Eastern European Demon and a Human Interject

Not too long ago, I was involved in an exorcism with a lady and her husband that spanned a number of days. We encountered scores of evil spirits, including one demonic entity, that had entered the family in the 19th century, in a Eastern European nation, as a result of her ancestors sins. This particular nation was also well known for spiritism and these demons had been seducing the ancestors spiritually in a variety of ways. He boasted about how he had been tormenting this dear lady and how he was working in conjunction with a few people that were associated with her namely a witch that had been cursing this saint. Not only was this witch cursing her but was also visiting her (she astroplaned) at night, primarily.

During the exorcism, I battled this demon that would often speak in a Eastern European tongue.

“You will speak English in the name of Jesus,” I commanded the demon.

He began to reveal more information to me in English.

“I’m going to call forth Diana in her dream state and she is going to travel to battle you, man of God,” the demon boasted.

Diana, was this witch, that would astroplane to this saint in an attempt to spiritual attack her at night, all due to jealousy.

Within a few minutes Diana surfaced within this woman I was exorcising demons from. She spoke completely different from the Eastern European demonic spirit and the lady I was ministering to.

Before proceeding forward I tested the human interject to ensure I was not dealing with a demon masquerading as a human.

“Who are you,” Diana inquired of me, “Why am I here talking with you.”

Diana was totally shocked she was facing a minister of the gospel and was surprised when I issued a Elijah like challenge.

“I’m going to prove to you Diana that my Jesus is greater then the demons you conjure!” I go on with the challenge, “I’m going to prove before your very eyes that these demons will bow before Jesus.”

I then commanded the demons to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

They did.

I then commanded the demons to acknowledge that the blood of Jesus overcomes them.

They acknowledged!

I then told the demons to tell Diana their true intentions for her.

“We want to kill her, destroy her, and lie to her,” the demons revealed.

Diana was shocked and totally besides herself. She was saddened and scared as she realized these demons that she had been working with for all of these years were in reality tricking her in an attempt to destroy her later down the road. For Diana could see the demons bowing before King Jesus and were quite weak in the light of God’s holy power.

“Diana at some point, I will deal with you, but God does not permit you to invade this lady’s body and soul nature as she desires Jesus. So, I strip you of your powers in the name of Jesus. I also command you & the demons aiding you, to go now in Jesus name,” I instructed the human interject and the demons assisting her to astral travel.

It was interesting after dealing with this human interject in such a manner that in a the days following this encounter Diana never did come back and she was beginning to be polite to this dear lady I was helping. I think a holy fear fell upon Diana for she truly realized who was greater and I believe she was in a sense afraid of this saint whom God was working on.
Submitted by Jay

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