Powerful Testimony of a Hindu Girl Exorcised from Demons in India!

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

One reason why I do large gospel meetings around the globe is the impact that it can have on a family, on a community, on a nation for many generations to come. These large gospel festivals have the ability to reach people who are not even attending the meeting as often times people on nearby streets, stores, homes and cars will hear the proclamation of the gospel at the meeting and will experience a miracle without even attending the meeting itself. I have seen this hundreds of times. Moreover, our ministry doesn’t end when we leave –it continues on as we have trained the believers and now they are casting out demons.

In fact, as you’ll read below, because of the encouragement and training we brought to thousands, in a recent meeting they were able to assist a young lady in freeing her from more then 1,000 evil spirits. Also it was reported that a lady from a Hindu family, who was plagued by demonic voices, was at one of our meetings and after receiving ministry she was immediately FREE from many demons. 

I’m telling you my friends, she was but one who received deliverance. As the host pastor testified there are “MANY wonderful testimonies,” being shared as the days go by. Many hundreds in each service experienced healing and deliverance from demonic powers! 

My friends, we are still getting powerful reports from the host pastor of the many miraculous signs and wonders that took place while conducting our deliverance festival in South India just a few weeks ago. These email reports truly encourage my heart! I see that our work is never in vain as we know God honors the preaching of HIS WORD! This international outreach, which is an extension of the Church of the Cross, is making an eternal impact in the here and now. Lives are being saved by Jesus, souls are being liberated, saints are being equipped, bodies are being healed and broken hearts are being mended! That is why God is blessing this work for we are focused on doing what Jesus did! 

Read this recent email:

“Dear Apostle Jay,

Even though the days of deliverance festival passed, so many wonderful testimonies are being shared by our believers and non-Christians.

 One sister who attended our night meeting experienced complete deliverance from the demonic voices. She used to hear the voices day and night. Pastor Yohan, who arranged this meeting at Karishma Gardens counseled her and prayed for her; but it was of avail.The voice told her that her husband was going to be met with an accident, within a couple of days, it exactly happened. This is just one of them. As you were explaining such evil voices during that night meeting at Karishma Gardens, the Spirit of God powerfully touched her. You prayed for her and commanded the spirit to leave, immediately she was set free the very night. When the spirits left her, now there are no longer such voices.

 She is from Hindu family. She is alright now. This is one of the miracles took place during the meetings.

 In reality, there has been a phenomenal change in the entire ministry ever since the miracle revival deliverance festival. The Spirit of God has been mightily at work in our meetings. Today, in a fasting meeting in one of our branch churches, a sister has been delivered from more than thousand demonic spirits. She was being tormented by those evil spirits for past few months.

 God is restoring the Faith Home Ministries to its former glory and broadening  its horizons in a phased manner. You taught, you prophesied, you encouraged and you set the deliverance ministry once again in motion. Now we will start reaching  the unreached with the signs following deliverance ministry.

Thank you for praying for us and the ministry. You, your family in particular and the whole ministry in general are always there in our individual and congregational prayers.

Please keep  praying for us and the deliverance ministry.

With regards,


To break this down let’s see what God has done:

~Thousands heard the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

~Thousands were trained to heal the sick and cast out demons

~Churches have been restored and revived because of the festivals

~The Body of Christ now seeks to win the lost in other unreached regions of India

~Many hundreds, including many Hindus and idol worshipers were won to Jesus, freed from demonic spirits and healed

~Marriages were restored, prophecies were given and blessings were given

~Ministers are now carrying out the ministry of deliverance in their churches

As you can probably tell I’m FIRED up! This ministry is making an impact in the gospel resistant areas of the globe and we dare to preach the gospel even in the face of great resistance from the enemy. Many missionary evangelists send out reports that never speak of actually leading anyone to Jesus. I know because I receive so many newsletters. Many of them are talking about the historical sites they have visited, the food that they tasted, and the people they have met. But when it comes to sharing how people were delivered from demons, it’s not there! I’m convinced many ministries and churches are simply country clubs, they have good intentions but lack the will to risk everything for the gospel. 

By God’s grace we are different. We actually LEAD souls to JESUS! We are a FULL gospel ministry. 

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