Family Receives Deliverance from Demons; More Families Need Immediate Intervention!

Dear Friends of Jesus,

This past weekend, we held two powerful services, at the Church of the Cross, in Houston (America’s 4th largest city). While in the midst of conducting an exorcism with a woman; while battling strong Jezebel demons –many more evil spirits began to surface within some of the ladies present in the meeting hall. One lady who manifested spirits was this precious woman pictured above. She came with her mother and father; who knew she was suffering from demonic afflictions. 

They had been faithfully praying for their precious daughter and God answered their prayers by delivering their daughter from the powers of darkness. However, it was a intense spiritual battle for her soul. She too had Jezebel. 

Jezebel mocked me. Got into my face. She challenged me in public. It all started when I shared with the audience about the reality of Jezebel being a witch; as I was ministering to another woman that had Jezebel. That brought upon provocation from Jezebel. She was annoyed with the fact that I referred to her as a witch.

“Stop calling me a witch, stop it!” as Jezebel swiftly approached me in the middle of the service. She got right into my face angrily. Her full wrath was upon me for daring to battle. 

See, you must understand, demons hate being displayed in public exorcisms; as a public spectacle. Jesus did it; I follow His example. I battle demons in public and force them to declare that Jesus is LORD! 

While Jezebel warred against me; it looked over to the corner and glared. I wondered who it was looking at; so I inquired.

“Who do you think it is? It’s Jesus over there,” Jezebel, with an attitude, revealed to me, “I want to stay in this girl. She’s mine. I want to destroy her. I came into her, through her husband. I have been in his family bloodline a very long time.”

Because of her oneness with her husband; she in a sense inherited his demonic ancestral bondages. Some of these Jezebels that were in his family bloodline transferred into her due to the martial union. 

But, Jesus…and her believing parents who were praying on her behalf. Jezebel had no chance. I called forth the armies of the angels and they greatly assisted me in battling Jezebel’s armies. I had the angels strike the demons. They were greatly weakened. I called forth the holy fire of God. This even weakened the armies of Jezebel even more. I used my sacred cross. They pitifully admitted their defeat. 

I commanded all of the demons of Jezebel to release this woman and her broken heart (as several little broken heart parts surfaced while ministering to her). The littles ones were guided to Jesus for deep healing. Amazing Jesus. 

As the demons left this woman; great pace fell upon her and she began to dance unto the Lord. She literally got up and starting running around the meeting hall…she was so happy in Jesus. Take a glance at that post deliverance and smile and you’ll see for yourself! She testified of feeling FREE and peace!

Not only was she delivered but also her step father and mother. Both received significant deliverance and healing too. The entire family is now very happy in the Holy Spirit. We need to reach more families for Jesus; we need to intervene as demons are destroying marriages and families. We need to stop these forces of evil by the blood of Jesus! 

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