Exorcisms on Rosh Hashanah in Southern California

Dear Friends of Jesus,

As some of you know, we are in the midst of some high holy Jewish days. As one with Jewish ancestry from my mother’s  side,  I’m ever mindful of the significance of these days and seasons. Rosh Hashanah, is the start of the Jewish New Year. There is a holy call to celebrate with joy and shouting of our God’s ever present offer of LIFE in HIM. While in Southern California on this holy day, I invited our seminar attendees, in Pasadena, to start anew in  their  relationship with JESUS!

It was a sweet and beautiful time for me personally. It made it even more special to minister deliverance to the captives and see those hurting healed. We even played the sound of the Shofar prior to doing some spiritual warfare!

It’s been amazing to see. While in Southern California this past weekend and then in Atlanta prior to that  we encountered so many dozens who experienced deliverance by simply participating in our mass deliverance prayers . Some even testified of being miraculously healed of various kinds of ailments, maladies and afflictions. However, there were some that didn’t have such a experience. Some were experiencing internal opposition from the demonic where assistance was mandatory. Such with the case of the young lady pictured with me above.

In the midst of the evening service the night before Rosh Hashanah, at the Temple of Salvation, in Los Angeles, California, I noticed my dear sister was experiencing demonic attacks. I approached her and immediately demons surfaced. They were furious. They were so deeply hidden within her. There were many evil spirits within her that were stemming from generational evil that her ancestors participated in. I confronted them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the power of His CROSS!

They were stubborn. In fact, the spirits, grasped the chairs, with her hands, with the hopes of not being pulled up from the chair, by the holy angels, to the front of the sanctuary where I could minister to her. Eventually the holy angels pried her hands from the chairs and brought her to the front of the sanctuary so I could minister deliverance to her. It was a battle. I was drenched with sweat.

We commanded many demons out of this woman and many heart parts were supernaturally healed. She was so happy afterwards and experienced immediate peace and freedom. She came back the following night –on Rosh Hashanah– to our seminar in Pasadena and experienced even more freedom and healing. More work needs to take place but the work has begun and Jesus is SETTING her FREE from a life on bondage to Satan!

My friends –there is POWER in the CROSS of CHRIST! Your salvation, healing, deliverance, restoration, and strength is in the BLOOD that was shed on that CROSS! Go to the CROSS and find JESUS!

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