Pasadena, California: Jesus Power Defeats Witchcraft!

Maria, a 27 year old young woman, shared with everyone during the seminar that she weighed only 83 pounds (that’s only 37kg). The demons were starving her…they WERE TRYING TO KILL HER! They were doing a good job. I asked Maria what was her favorite food? She said cheeseburgers! So, I encouraged her to eat some, after her deliverance. In fact, in the middle of the service, after her powerful exorcism, I suggested to them to leave and to get some In & Out cheeseburgers. They were joyful and Maria was, no doubt, looking forward to getting a cheeseburger!


Allow me to share what transpired during Maria’s exorcism. After teaching from the Holy Scriptures and leading everyone in Holy Communion I began to minister to the captives. A number of souls were instantly healed of various kinds of pains and afflictions. A number of souls encountered some quick freedom from demons too. However, God prompted me to minister to approach Maria in the back of the meeting hall.


Demons quickly surfaced and spoke to me. They revealed much.


“We have been here for a very long time,” the first group of demons called death revealed to me, “We are here to destroy her. Her ancestors participated in witchcraft, in human and animal sacrifices.”


Maria had been invaded by death demons. They were determined to kill her. They were determined to destroy her. They had given her a eating disorder and were gradually taking her life. I was determined to rescue this beautiful soul for Jesus! She WILL LIVE!


Another group of demons surfaced that was holding in captivity an ancestral dissociative identity that was only 12 years of age. This broken heart part was so sad. I spoke to this little heart part and I discovered that this little one had witnessed some terrible abuse many generations ago and didn’t know why they were present in this woman.


I sent this little heart part to Jesus for healing. As the part was being guided to the Healer, demons of witchcraft resurfaced.


“We are the ones behind death but we must go because Jesus commands us to leave this woman,” the spirits of witchcraft confessed, “We married her and we give her many pains by placing darts into her.”


I commanded the demons to take the pains and the fiery darts from this woman and to enter into the pit. They came out of her breath and she was set FREE from the demons of death and witchcraft. Furthermore, some dissociative identities that were released were also supernaturally healed by Jesus.


By the way, Maria also testified of feeling no more pain either! She was miraculously healed and freed from demonic bondage!


After her deliverance, she was able to partake of Holy Communion without any problems. Unlike at the beginning of the service where she had great difficulty partaking of the blood and body of Jesus! The Lord Jesus truly restored and healed this woman. Not only was Maria set free but also her mother from the curse of witchcraft in the name of Jesus!

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