Driving Out Evil Spirits in San Francisco

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ ~

On this most recent mission throughout the North American continent we are seeing a powerful move of the Holy Spirit as many saints that we are talking with in our meetings are tired of simply sitting in a church building each and every Sunday never being given an opportunity to get freedom from demons first of all. Secondly never given an opportunity to be trained to serve Jesus by casting out demons, preaching the gospel, healing the sick and so much more. 

It is TIME to raise up an spiritual army for Jesus throughout the globe. Through our many meetings, our books, websites, radio broadcasts and other aspects of our ministry we are training thousands. I’m very encouraged. From New York City, to Buffalo, to Montreal, to Los Angeles, to San Francisco we are seeing many saints ready to move forward (and are moving forward) to capture a world for Christ.

The past few nights James and I were in San Francisco, California ministering to those enslaved by evil spirits. For many hours into the night we brought the hope and love of Jesus to many. On our first night in the Bay area we had a series of private meetings. Josh and Karen heard of our mission work from a Californian pastor who heard of us through someone we ministered to in the Washington DC area who had experienced a powerful deliverance and healing! Because of the miracle testimony that the pastor heard he therefore was proactive in reaching out to this young family for he knew they needed the ministry of liberation. Josh and Karen began to get familiar with this ministry by reading our many volumes and listening to our global radio presentations. These outreaches touched their hearts and attempted to locate us to attend one of our meetings. Think about this for a moment. See how God connected the dots to ensure Josh and Karen were present in our meeting. This once again proves how much God deeply cares for each of us.

Josh and Karen found out that within days we would be in their area and made plans on attending. James and I met up with this family and God was pleased to perform mighty miracles in our midst. However at the beginning I was concerned if we would ever minister to them as Josh wanted to debate me on the issue of the nature of God. As many of you know there are thousands of various cults, false religions, and occult groups seeking to undermine the essentials of the Christian faith. There are even some groups in our day that seek to take upon the label of being Christian when in essence they are not. 

One common thread you will see in these spiritual groups is that they all agree that God is not triune in nature. This is the heart of our faith –our God IS truine in nature. There is one God who reveals Himself in three persons –Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. While in theological school many years ago I determined in my heart to diligently study Biblical theology so that I could defend the faith as I knew many in our day seek to undermine the essentials. God blessed my efforts and has given me grace to be able to reach thousands of cult members –ranging from Mormons to Jehovah Witnesses to the Unitarians– over 25 years of ministry to share the truth thereby setting many free from doctrinal error and demonic bondage. Josh was a member of a group that sought to undermine the triune nature of God and deny that Jesus was indeed fully God while on earth. For eight long years Josh studied their materials and faithfully attended their meetings. By embracing their false teachings many demonic forces flooded his mind and held him captive. Though he genuinely came to Jesus at a early age he was deceived much later in life and now was seeking deliverance from the mind torment he was now enduring.

For hours I defended the historic Christian faith and from the Scriptures reasoned with Josh. Gradually the Holy Spirit opened up his heart and mind thereby humbling himself to what was being taught. He began to see he was in error and was then ready to receive deliverance (however he began to fully understand the truth after his miraculous deliverance from evil spirits). 

The first spirit that surfaced, during the exorcism with Josh, was a spirit named anger. He was quickly expelled in Jesus name. Then the next spirit that would surface didn’t at the beginning as he was hiding but because of the great spiritual pressure we placed upon him he too surfaced and was furious with me.

“Nobody knew we were here. Nobody! We had been hiding for so long. We hate him. We want to destroy him. We are so angry with you,” the demons said to me through his vocal cords.

It turns out the demon spirit speaking to me was named Leviathan. Though he boasted of great powers, he was defeated, as all spirits are by the reigning blood of Jesus. Leviathan revealed that he had been there because John had opened his life to doctrinal error –by rejecting the triune nature of God. 

“The Holy Trinity is TRUE!” the demons confessed. 

Because Josh was opening himself up to the embracing the Holy Trinity the demons stronghold was dealt a crushing blow. 

“So many ministers, pastors, and friends of his could not find us, how did you find us. We didn’t want him to meet you, we knew you would cast us out,” the evil spirits confessed to me.

So, you know me! I cast these demons out in the name of Jesus! Not only cast them out but sent them to the PIT! To the PIT they went as the spirits crushed a Holy Communion cup he was holding unto filled with holy water. 

Josh was surprised by his deliverance as he didn’t have any idea about a Leviathan spirit was within him. However, Josh is NOW determined to serve Jesus and desires to be a Freedom Fighter –he has read much of our training manual and looks forward to serving Jesus.

Then Josh emailed me after our meeting:

Brother Jay,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus.  I wanted to thank you and brother James again for ministering to me and my wife last night. I feel really blessed and privileged that I got to spend that time with you and James. I thank God for delivering me and I new He would because His word is true and that’s what Jesus came to earth to do, Destroy the works of the devil,  hallelujah!  I am so thankful I obeyed the Lord’s leading and went to meet with you. I know it was his will. I desire to be obedient and a faithful disciple. I feel that I will be more effective in ministry now that I am free from that foul unclean spirit and spirits. I know that leviathan came in from the ministry I was with for 8 years.

It had a hold on my mind and caused me so much confusion. I know if I had not renounced that ministry and any connections or ties I had with the teacher so many months ago, that I would not of been delivered of Leviathan. Doing so had weakened its hold on me. During the deliverance session I was using my will in agreement with you to to expel those foul spirits. I desire to be at the place where I can say as my Lord says, The enemy cometh but he has nothing in me.  

I feel God has given me a greater revelation of the God head. I now believe the begotten part is when God was manifested in a sinless human body of flesh referred to as the son of man. I realized last night on my way home from San Francisco that if an angel of the Lord and even fallen angels can manifest in a body of flesh. Then Father God can also and He did so in the perfect one Jesus of Nazareth. I knew that God had a triune nature because He made us in His likeness and we have those aspects in us. Thanks be to God he used you to help me to see it. Jesus is co-equal with the father and fully God, amen! 

Do you see how God uses this mission? Jesus is worthy to be praised for HE IS GOD! There are so aspects of this work that the Holy Spirit uses to touch many thousands around the world. My heart is right now deeply humbled. I’m amazed God would use me –a simple person– to touch a world for Him. Does not the WORD say that the Lord uses the things that “are not.” Well, that’s me. Though the world sees me as nothing, I’m a somebody where it really counts –the eternal reigning Kingdom of God! I’m an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ by only the will of God.

In our last day in San Francisco James and I spent more then 12 hours in ministry. Saints traveled in throughout the Bay area to attend. Again we had to bring in some extra chairs for the meeting. After teaching for more then 2 hours in the Scriptures we began to minister to those held captive by the enemy. As soon as we ministered precious souls were being freed from evil spirits including a few people with demonic pains and afflictions. James and I were up until 3am and then by 4am had to catch a flight at 6am. Obviously, we were extremely tired and ended up going to the WRONG airport. We hailed a taxi and explained our predicament. Within 25 minutes we were in Oakland, California. God truly transported us quickly and safely despite the fast travel! Ha!

This has been a remarkable mission. More then 20 meetings from one coast of America to the other meeting so many friends. I really enjoy the work of the gospel. I really enjoyed meeting YOU! I even enjoy the extensive travel. I do not though enjoy the spiritual attacks –the evil people, the demons, the evil groups that seek destruction. Continue to pray for me and my family. We trust the atoning blood of Jesus to sustain us.

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