Archive for January, 2017

War in Seattle: Millions of Lucifer Spirits Cast Out!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It’s been a challenge to chronicle all of the various miracles, signs and wonders taking place in our recent seminars in Dallas (I’m needing to share more what transpired in Dallas as it was extraordinary) and in Seattle the past few nights. There are so many wonders taking place. I have been amazed.

It’s well after 3am and I’m in awe of the love and power of Jesus being demonstrated. We are seeing with our eyes the superior powers of God over the defeated powers of the evil one. It’s been intense warfare here in Seattle, Washington and yet we are seeing some tremendous victories taking place.

Earlier tonight, during our seminar, souls were delivered from evil spirits. In fact, the lady (whom I’ll refer to as Maria) pictured above was dramatically set free from MILLIONS of spirits of Lucifer that were rooted in ancestral false worship, witchcraft and blood sacrifices. I’m thankful that Maria persisted in the battle. She achieved victory as a result.

Maria attended our jammed-packed seminars while I was in Vancouver, British Columbia, last week. I noticed her to the left of me but there was no manifestation. She sat there calmly. She sat there attentive to the teaching and was encouraged. Yet, one of her friends felt like there was something wrong within her so she encouraged her to attend one of our Seattle meetings. She traveled across the border and attended this evening’s service.

Again, she sat there very calmly. No manifestation. Nothing. After teaching from the WORD and led everyone in Holy Communion, I began to minister to the captives. Several in the audience was experiencing immediate deliverance by simply being present in the meeting. I continued on and felt led to pray over Maria and had her hold a cup of Holy Communion –that brought an immediate response — a BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM! It was so sustained and loud! I was concerned that the hotel management would force us to shut down the seminar. It was THAT loud! The spirits screamed and cried out loudly. They felt the pressure I was applying upon them.

“There’s MILLIONS of us!” spirits named Lucifer revealed to me, “We are here because her ancestors participated in human and animal sacrifices. Her ancestors were involved in witchcraft and idolatry.”

There were so many demons within Maria which explained the intensity of the warfare and their willingness to battle me –there were so many of them. However, the spiritual weapons we employed were greater then the powers they possessed.  In fact, I demonstrated this by utilizing my cross of deliverance and the fire of God. The millions of demons groaned loudly in defeat. They were utterly destroyed and Jesus was declared as Lord!

Along with casting out these mass numbers of demons –Jezebel, witchcraft, Moloch, death and so many others– we also encountered numerous broken heart parts that surfaced from within her. They were guided to Jesus for healing. Moreover, we encountered numerous soul invaders. They were forced out in Jesus name. We also witnessed one of the heart parts being able to SEE the risen Savior. It was beautiful to behold.

After her inner healing and deliverance, Maria, was exhausted and yet felt deep satisfying peace. She also testified of feeling no more pain (she had been experiencing various physical pains and ailments). God healed this woman. Others were impacted by the ministry of Jesus. We are simply marveling at the power being demonstrated in our seminars.

Collective Awe in Dallas as Multitude of Miracles Occur!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m currently in Seattle, Washington about to conduct another Supernatural Jesus: Removing Demons and Healing Hearts Seminar and I’m believing for more souls to be impacted by the power of the gospel! Speaking of the power of the gospel. Last night in Dallas, Texas, it was explosive! Allow me to explain.

I would estimate more then 70% of those who attended were first time visitors. Furthermore, there were those who had never dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ. In fact, one lady (pictured with her husband above) heard about last’s night meeting as a result of Googling about the movie “The Conjuring” which is a supernatural horror movie that centers on a family that lives in a haunted home. As a result of her online search, Natasha, located me and this Jesus mission.

Isn’t that amazing? Natasha was searching for some intervention and had been for many years as her life had been filled with horrific events and supernatural demonic occurrences. She thought, perhaps, the movie, would provide some guidance on how to liberate oneself from demonic assault. That’s how the world thinks, my friends. Fortunately, as a result of her search she located us and more importantly JESUS!

God has placed us everywhere so we can impact lives with the message of deliverance and inner healing. Furthermore and more importantly to introduce lives to the salvation offered in the Lord Jesus Christ!

Natasha brought 3 others with her –her fiancé (NOW husband as I married them both after their exorcism). All of them had been encountering strange spiritual attacks and phenomena. They were looking for an exorcism. I love it as they were very opened to the ministry and to the love of Jesus. As I taught from the WORD they were captivated and were very interested in the message of the cross.

As the service went on, Natasha experienced some very strong demonic manifestations and convulsions. They were filling her with physical pain on top of it. But, Natasha is a fighter. She had to be with all of the demonic conflicts she found herself in the past 4 or 5 years. It all started when she visited a Santeria shop in the Dallas area. 

That one visit activated powerful generational curses and witchcraft curses that were within her. That visit to that witchcraft store opened massive gateways and led her on a path of deep demonic possession. However, in the midst of all of this God was with her and led her to us.

After teaching, I briefly shared the good news of Jesus and the entire family surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ so willingly. They were born again and were very excited about knowing the love and power of Jesus. They were ready to take the next step of obtaining freedom in Jesus.

That’s when it got wild! For hours we performed multiple exorcisms and the powers of demons battled fiercely. The voiced their hatred for me and their desire to destroy. Moreover, they attempted to claw at me and physically attacked me but God protected me. What transpired brought forth a collective awe from the audience. Everyone was AMAZED at the superior power of Jesus. I’m looking forward to sharing more on what transpired but suffice to say it was astounding.

Natasha was set free from demons, soul invaders, ancestral heart parts and witchcraft curses. She was miraculously healed of all physical pains and her broken heart was restored. That’s only part of it. She also got married last night to her husband Stevie (pictured above, post marriage ceremony). None of this was planned or expected but our God is alive and dynamic and He is ever ready to SAVE!

Pre-Natal Dissociation Healed by Jesus in British Columbia!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m needing to conduct, in British Columbia, a special healing session for women who have endured through an abortion or miscarriages. We encountered so many hurting women who have suffered as a result of an abortion. What we have discovered in all of these years of ministry is that when abortion takes place, little baby (and mothers) will, generally speaking, experience dissociation. Their souls will fragment as a result of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual pain. It will be intense.

We have seen amazing results when, if the mother is wanting this, we reunite mom and little baby. During this latest mission, in British Columbia, we encountered many little fragmented babies and hurting moms who were miraculously healed. Many little babies were cured of pre-natal dissociation. It was astounding to think about the implications.

In Surrey, a 59 year old mother, who had endured an abortion decades earlier, manifested demons during the large seminar we were conducting. I confronted the many demons within her and we discovered they had been holding onto a tiny pre-natal dissociative identity. I commanded the demons to release the little baby soul part. Baby surfaced and I spoke to little one. Baby was wanting to see mom (mind you, this 59 year old woman had no idea she had her baby inside of her) so I reunited mom and baby.

Very intense inner healing took place as this mother was able to hold baby and caress baby. She remarked how beautiful the baby looked and how much hair he had (that’s right she was even able to note the gender of the baby). This mother was astonished to see that baby was not angry nor sad. Baby was whole, joyful and happy. What an amazing healing took place.

At some point, while cradling her little baby, she was able to offer baby to Jesus and was miraculously healed of all of the deep pain she had carried for all of the years.  Seeing and hearing her baby refreshed her soul, comforted her, and strengthened her. She was miraculously healed.

Speaking of cradling baby. Another woman, who suffered through an abortion, perhaps in her mid 20’s, attended one of our seminars in British Columbia, and received some deep inner healing. She powerfully manifested spirits of Moloch.

When dealing with elements of abortion one must address the demonic spirit of Moloch too. An ancient Canaanite demonic entity that is rooted in child-sacrifice. Moloch is a powerful force that enslaves little heart parts and babies within mothers.

I commanded Moloch to release little babies within this young woman. A little baby swiftly surfaced. Mom was able to SEE her little baby that had been aborted. It was a girl. She was able to cradle baby and offer baby to Jesus. When offering baby to the Savior, she withdrew little baby in her arms and gave tiny baby the sweetest kiss I have ever witnessed. Then baby was offered back up to God and she was miraculously healed.

There were other women who had their babies within them. All of them were reached with compassion, grace and comforting love. Each one encountered a supernatural release and curing for their broken souls.  I’m of the belief that the vast majority of women who have endured abortions have their babies still within them.

I’m speaking of the little baby soul parts. Babies, in the womb, can experience dissociation (soul fragmentation). Especially if abortion is introduced to the womb. Baby will suffer a crushing of the soul –pre-natal dissociation. I have seen this thousands of times. Since this is a reality -baby and mothers need healing. They need to be reunited in most cases. 

Please consider this important inner healing miracle that ought to take place before true restoration and healing can occur. Most churches still focus on the physical healing aspects of ministry but what about the deep inner healing miracles that need to take place in lives of mothers and even little babies?

Miraculous Movement in British Columbia!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m sitting here, in the heart of downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, writing this update, in awe. In awe of God’s supernatural power over the course of the past week, while here in British Columbia, conducting seminars and personal ministry sessions in New Westminster, Surrey, Vancouver and Victoria –extending the miraculous ministry of Jesus to hundreds of souls.

I just completed two more personal ministry sessions after driving into Vancouver. Earlier today we boarded a ship in Victoria, Vancouver Island to come back here for more ministry. Our seminar in Victoria went well. Many demons and soul invaders were expelled, hearts healed and Jesus was glorified.

We are in the midst of a miraculous movement here in British Columbia whereby powerful public exorcisms and inner healing miracles (and other healing miracles) are taking place and the church is being revived.  Yes, we preached the WORD but we also tasted of the powers of the age to come. Consider:

  • Conducted dozens and dozens of exorcisms resulting in many individuals and families freed from demons
  • In nearly every seminar souls were won to Jesus Christ
  • Hundreds received teaching from the WORD and were equipped to engage in effective spiritual warfare
  • Hundreds witnessed the miraculous wonders of the Holy Spirit for the very first time
  • In every seminar we encountered soul invaders and heart parts –the heart parts miraculously healed and the soul invaders removed in Jesus name
  • Many hours of angelic miracles whereby holy angels came into the meeting hall and assisted me in battling numerous demons –leaving audiences stunned and in awe of God’s power
  • Numerous ancestral heart parts removed and healed by God
  • Numerous souls witnessed the appearance of the Risen Savior
  • Many hours of utilizing holy objects such as the cross of deliverance and holy oil to drive out demons and heal afflictions
  • Dozens of souls physically healed of various kinds of pains, afflictions and infirmities

Those are ten quick items I could recall. There were many other miraculous events. I n our nearly 30 years of gospel ministry this latest Canadian mission was our largest one to date. I was astonished to see the crowds that we had in each of our services. For example, in Surrey, we doubled our expectations. In New Westminster, we quadrupled our expectations. In Vancouver, on the last night, the larger spacious conference hall was jammed packed. We will need a hall that seats, perhaps, hundreds.
Many are encouraging me to start a mission in British Columbia –we believe God is desiring this. So, we will. We just need to figure out some logistics and dates. We will be back soon for a 7-day intensive event schedule! More details forthcoming.Grateful for your prayers and financial support.
While here in British Columbia, we were also reaching the WORLD! The Australian exorcism documentary that we participated in, some weeks ago in Sydney, was broadcasted and hundreds of thousands (or perhaps millions) were reached with the power of cross of Jesus! Moreover, other media outlets picked up the story including the US-BASED MEDIA POWERHOUSE —the Drudge Report that attracts more then 30+ million viewers daily. We were able to expose millions this week alone to the gospel and the power of the cross of Jesus over evil! We were able to reach more souls this week then we ever have before since I started preaching the good news of Jesus as a teenager. God all the glory and praise!

Speaking of the power of the cross of Jesus! It was on full display in our last Vancouver seminar where we were able to rescue, by God’s grace, a young lady (pictured with me above), who attended our evening service. After the explosive seminar ended she approached me for some brief prayer –seeking God’s guidance for her life.

I prayed for her. Her body began to shake violently. Her head rocked back and forth and numerous demons violently reacted to my intercession. The demons spoke out of her and said with a very loud noise: NO!!!!!!

All of a sudden everyone came back into the meeting hall and and noticed the commotion. Then demons threw her unto the ground and for the next hour or so I ended up battling very aggressive and violent evil spirits. Now, take a glance at her again –the picture above. This young university student was a sweet soul yet residing within her were vicious demons. We discovered that in her ancestral bloodline was unresolved idolatry that had not been properly dealt with. I confronted the demons with the power of the cross. They cried out in agony –just SEEING the cross. They were petrified of it.

Furthermore, I utilized the fire of God, the blood of Jesus, blessed water, oil and the holy angels of God. They came in mass numbers and for a very long time they assisted me in spiritual warfare. It was violent, aggressive and vicious. The holy angels restrained the demons, picked her off the ground upon command, and many other beautiful acts of mercy on her behalf. Jesus conquered the demons and brought victory.

After a long protracted battle, the demons were defeated and were commanded into the pit. Many heart parts were miraculously healed too. Moreover, her eyesight (she was wearing glasses prior to the exorcism) improved after casting out the demons and commanding healing in her eyes. She remarked that her eyesight was actually clearing up and could see more clearly without the aid of her glasses. She was very happy afterwards and relieved.

Thriller in Vancouver: Disabled Woman Miraculously Healed!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It’s been a remarkable Jesus mission thus far here in British Columbia. So many souls touched by the love and power of Jesus. Many are interested in starting a church or a monthly meeting. At one point, the people of God enthusiastically applauded when I mentioned about this possibility. Please join me in prayer as this is something that needs to be considered in light of the miraculous movement of the Holy Spirit here in British Columbia and all the cities we have visited thus far: New Westminster, Surrey and Vancouver.

Speaking of the miraculous movement. Allow me to share one spectacular miracle that occurred last night before ANOTHER jammed packed audience in downtown Vancouver. We moved into a much larger spacious ballroom and that was completely FILLED up too! It’s amazing. I believe many thousands could be attending, consistently, if we were to set up a mission here. 

A 49 year old lady, pictured with me above, was one of those present last night. She brought her family –her husband and daughter. We attempted to do some deliverance with her but she wanted to keep the demons because she enjoyed some comic books that featured the occult and sorcery. It’s unfortunate but she made her decision. Even her husband declared he wasn’t interested in dedicating his life to Christ but wanted his wife to be healed.

This precious woman came in horrific pain. Her body was contorted and she was constantly crying. She was suffering like very few I have met in the world. Terribly vexed by Satan. She could barely walk, she was twisted like a pretzel. In fact she needed the assistance of a walker (pictured below). My friends, this woman was in so much pain that she didn’t know how long she could sit in the service. Constant, daily pain. Her face spoke of her extreme pain. Then suddenly…..

Towards the end of the service, the Holy Spirit prompted me to go to her to pray over her. Immediately evil spirits surfaced: Jezebel, death, witchcraft and many others including numerous demons named pain!

“WE ARE THE ONES THAT BRING HER THE PAIN!!!” the aggressive demons named pain revealed to me, “We have been here for thousands of years. She belongs to us! Her ancestors dedicated her to US! We will KILL her!”

No wonder she was so terribly afflicted and tormented. She had mass numbers of demonic spirits within her because of generational curses that had not been resolved.

“We love him!” the demons told me as they pointed in the direction of the husband, “We are in him too! We like tormenting him too!”

The husband stood to the side unfazed and zombie-like, still not wanting to surrender to King Jesus. So sad. I continued battling the demons within his wife.

At one point I called upon legions of God’s holy angels and they swiftly arrived and quickly assisted me in battling these mass numbers of demons. They drew out their swords and struck the invading demons which resulted in the demons screaming and crying out in agony. They were brought into submission and declared their defeat. They were expelled from this woman’s body and this woman was beautifully healed. 

As she came forth from her demonized state. She could walk without any pain! She could walk without that walker! Jesus miraculously healed this woman. It’s been astounding. All of these miracles, signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit. I marvel at the grace and mercy of God.

This woman was so happy, she simply cried and cried, thanking God for His miracles of healing and restoration. After praying for her and providing some basic follow-up spiritual advise, I encouraged her to go home and to enjoy her newfound freedom from demons and pains!

By the way, she left that walker in the ballroom! She didn’t need it. God had healed her. We are seeing so many incredibly powerful miracles. Many more were miraculously healed and freed from demons during the evening service. We even witnessed some extremely powerful angelic miracles that I will hare about in my next report

Victory in Vancouver Despite Witchcraft Opposition!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


Earlier today, here in gorgeous and refreshing Vancouver, as I was walking to a Italian  restaurant, in the city, I noticed a young lady ahead of me walking with her mother. She was being jerked around by some invisible force and was acting wild. She was tormented.

As I approached her I looked into her direction and  vocalized and c ommanded all demons to leave the young lady immediately in Jesus name. As I commanded, the young lady immediately spit up and sneezed on the sidewalk. All kinds of mucus and slimy substances came out of her mouth and nose. She was swiftly set free. Afterwards, she walked in peace and calmness. 

That was kind of like a drive by (or I should say a walk by deliverance) deliverance! We have power in Jesus to do this. I see this often as I minister in my daily walk. 


It’s been astonishing to see the sustained interest in this Jesus mission here in British Columbia. Once again, our meeting hall at the beautiful Coast Plaza Hotel & Suites, in downtown Vancouver, was completely jammed packed. Another standing room only crowd assembled to hear the preaching of God’s Word and participate in the miraculous. I’m happy to report we encounter victory in Vancouver in Jesus name!

We faced some opposition from the enemy all night tonight. In the midst of my teaching the hotel’s fire alarm system went off. For many minutes the alarms and intercom announcements were a major distraction. The enemy really tried his hardest to hinder us and stop us from ministering the gospel. The forces of darkness failed however! Jesus came out victorious.


I believe everyone was encouraged to hear the beautiful testimony of Grace, a 59 year old mother, who was powerfully set free a few nights ago, in our seminar in Surrey. What she shared was inspiring. She testified of her deliverance and healing. Moreover, she encouraged everyone, especially pastors and ministers to be opened to this ministry for everyone could benefit from the freedom ministry. Grace understood because she was a minister herself –ministering deliverance to others in her church.


During her exorcism we conducted, in Surrey, with her, numerous demons surfaced including Jezebel, death, witchcraft, Moloch and many others. They contorted her body and screamed out of her. Most of the demonic elements within her life were rooted within her ancestral bloodlines. The curses were broken in Jesus name and many of her heart parts were miraculously healed by God. It was beautiful to behold. She even encountered the risen Savior, who appeared to her and touched her with His amazing soothing love.


After hearing from Grace, we ministered to those held in captivity. It was challenging to minister as I could feel the tremendous spiritual pressure of witchcraft in the meeting hall. There was so much of it. We pressed through it and God touched many. Towards the end of the service, nearing midnight, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray over this young man, pictured with me above.


Immediately, demons surfaced and caused him to slump into his chair. I commanded the demons to stand up. They obeyed and then I battled the invading demons within, a evil soul invader and some heart parts that surfaced. I guided the hurting heart parts to Jesus and demanded the soul invader to depart.


I then directed my attention to the many demons within him including some spirits named Satan. I confronted them in the mighty name of Jesus. They surfaced with anger, hatred and rage. The demon of murder even surfaced and was physical and aggressive. We were able to restrain the violence, commanded the demons to the abyss and this man was powerfully liberated by the power and love of God!


As this young man resurfaced, he kept on thanking God for his mighty deliverance! Moreover, he was deeply touched by the offering of the body and blood of Jesus.  As soon as I handed him the Body in Holy Communion, he fell to his knees in humble submission to Jesus Christ! He offered his love and life to God! It was a moment of genuine repentance and submission. Love it! There is inherent power in the Body and Blood of Jesus! 


Other miraculous wonders took place including the miracles of salvation and healing. Every night, we are seeing some amazing demonstrations of the power of God. This is my heart, to teach the WORD and to demonstrate to everyone that Jesus is superior to all other powers. That was displayed tonight as souls were set free from deep demonic bondage. All praise to Jesus!

Supernaturalism in Surrey: Salvation of Souls & Slaying Spirits of Sorcery!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I need to really seek the Lord Jesus after the supernatural seminar we conducted last night in Surrey, British Columbia! I’m very serious about that. I have ministered in churches and meeting halls in Surrey many times over the years however last night was extraordinary in so many ways. 

First, the conference center placed us in a much larger meeting hall –it was jammed packed! It was one of their largest halls and it was completely full. I was astonished to see so many people gathering and assembling to hear the WORD and to watch the demonstration of the power of God. The Body of Christ is genuinely hungry to witness the superior powers of the gospel over the powers of evil. 

Some individuals traveled great distances to receive a miracle. One man I met traveled across the continent just for last night! It was amazing and astonishing to see. Many were getting set free from demonic bondages and chains while being simply present. It was beautiful to behold. 

That leads me to my second point I need to consider. Not only many people are arriving to hear the WORD but so many are getting set free, healed and SAVED by JESUS! Every day, here in British Columbia, we are seeing souls saved by Jesus and miraculously healed of various ailments and sicknessesMoreover, I think, everyone we have ministered to directly has been able to SEE the risen Savior!

Last night, at the Pacific Inn & Resort Conference Centre we held a Supernatural Jesus: Removing Demons & Healing Hearts Seminar and many souls arrived seeking intervention. I taught from the WORD, led everyone in Holy Communion and then began to minister to those present in the meeting hall. In the above picture was a small group of individuals that encountered the power of Jesus –three of them (to the left) were saved by Jesus the past few nights. On the right, was a young lady who was powerfully delivered by Jesus. 

Every night we are seeing extraordinary exorcisms taking place that is displaying to everyone –believer and non-believer alike the superior powers of Jesus over evil. It was wonderful to see this young mother of three children set free. 

As I approached her many demonic spirits surfaced. There were spirits of superstition, Yoga, Moloch, false gifts, hypnosis, sorcery, witchcraft, Jezebel, spirits of the glass, spiritism, and many spirits of Lucifer. They contorted her body and SCREAMED out of her. Furthermore, I asked the holy angels of God to pick her up off the chair (which they did) and brought her to the front of the massive meeting hall we were meeting in. As the holy angels carried her to the front of the meeting hall the demons growled, moaned and groaned. They knew their time was short. 

As I began to battle the demons they revealed so much: how they entered, what they were accomplishing in her life and so much more. 

“We have been here for more then a thousand years!” the spirits of Moloch and sorcery revealed to me, “Her ancestors participated in child sacrifice! We have tried our hardest to kill her. We want to destroy her!”

These spirits were determined to fight me so I battled back with the supernatural powers of God –the fire of God, the Sword of the Spirit, the cross and so many others weapons. In fact, at one point, in a very dramatic fashion, I asked the holy angels of God to draw out their swords and to strike the demons. They struck the demons with such spiritual force the demons begging for mercy. The holy angels, in a sense, were slaying the spirits! 

As we were defeating demons, many heart parts were surfacing, including a little 2 year old girl inside of this woman. So much pain and hurt. I was able to guide little one to Jesus. She was able to immediately SEE the risen Jesus. It was incredible to watch as her heart was being healed by God. 

Furthermore, there were two soul invaders within this woman. These soul invaders were present because they took advantage of her when she was a little girl. They were determined to destroy her. I spoke to them and commanded them out in the name of Jesus. 

Then I focused my attention on the young lady and demonic spirits hell bent on destroying her. They were destroyed by the superior powers of Jesus and everyone was able to witness the great Jesus victory. It was awesome to behold. All of the demons were sent to the abyss and they screamed out of her and she was set FREE and healed! 

New Westminster Thriller: Standing Room Only Crowd Witness Jesus Crush Satan!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It was a supernatural thriller in New Westminster, British Columbia, earlier tonight as we conducted our first public seminar on this specific Canadian mission. Our seminar was spiritually thrilling. It was filled with supernatural fireworks. 

When our service started our meeting hall was jammed packed. We could barely fit anymore people in the hall. Three different times we request the banquet staff to bring in more chairs to accommodate the growing crowd that was assembling. I was stunned actually as this was our first seminar even in this particular city. So many individuals and families arrived, that it ended up being a standing room only crowd. Even well after 5 hours into our service 90% of the assembled crowd was still present. The crowd was enthusiastic about the miracles of Jesus! I would estimate, perhaps 60% of the crowd were first time visitors. I absolutely loved seeing new faces. 

I spent the first part of the seminar teaching from the WORD –and many were commenting how much this teaching was needed. Many remarked that they have never encountered such strong Biblical teaching before. It was an eye-opener to many. Moreover, many were edified and encouraged by the teachings from God’s Word.


After teaching from the WORD I noticed several individuals had indicated their desire to follow Jesus and to be born again. So, I had the wonderful opportunity to lead several souls to salvation in Jesus Christ! Then I led everyone into partaking of the Holy Communion which was refreshing. Then we ministered to those bound by demonic spirits and sickness. There were many!


I’m not joking about that either –there were many needing an exorcism. Large percentage of those assembled were manifesting demons and were screaming out. Many went into convulsions. Many were crying. Many demons spoke out of their victims. It was full-on spiritual war taking place. 


Numerous demons were expelled and numerous souls encountered relief, deliverance and healing in Jesus Messiah. It was astonishing to see the power of God at work. God was truly with us. Towards the middle of the service I noticed a young lady, pictured with me above, being vexed by demonic powers. I asked her if she had ever been born again and she said no. I briefly shared the gospel with her. She mentioned she wanted to give life to Jesus so I led her in a prayer.


“F#@*& YOU!” the demons screamed at me as they convulsed her body in an attempt to keep her from getting saved, “F#%&* you have no power over us! We are too powerful.”


The demons were boastful and kept this young lady from praying with me. It was incredible. So, in response, I battled back and commanded the demons to release her.


“F&*# YOU! the demons responded. They were determined to fight back. So, I fiercely fought back in Jesus name! What we discovered from these many demons within her was astounding:

  • Thousands of demons within this young woman surfaced
  • Numerous broken heart parts surfaced
  • Few soul invaders were present
  • Numerous afflictions were terribly damaging her life

Eventually, by our persistence in the commands of God, the demons released her and she was able to pray with me to receive Jesus Christ as Lord! I am convinced this young woman, was open to the gospel due to the fact that she witnessed the numerous power encounters that took place during the evening service. Her heart was softened which gave me opportunity to lead her to Christ after delivering her from some of the demons that were preventing her from Jesus.
The many demons that cursed me, that were surfacing was named Satan! He boasted how he couldn’t be defeated and he was too strong. He did battled me and battled back. It was a epic spiritual war that ensured. I called forth the holy angels of God and they greatly assisted me in battling the powerful Satan spirits.
I ripped off layers of demonic armor they were utilizing to ward off my attacks upon them. The power of the cross, the holy water of Jesus, the fire of God, the sword of the Spirit greatly weakened the demons and they submitted to Jesus Christ as Lord!
All of these destructive Satan spirits, rooted in generational occultism, were commanded into the pit and this woman experienced some amazing healing. Many of her broken heart parts that were surfacing was actually able to SEE the risen Jesus and embrace Him in a hug. It was incredible to witness. This woman also testified of being physically healed of various kinds of head pain (she was in a horrible car accident awhile back that brought forth various kinds of pain into her).
“Jay, I feel ZERO pain!” she testified before everyone who had gathered in the meeting hall. What a beautiful display of God’s mighty passionate love.
While these demons were being cast out, another ministry partner of mine, was in the exterior hallway, outside of the meeting hall, driving out demons from someone else.
“I want to KILL Jay!” the demons forcefully told my prayer partner, “Allow us to go back in there so we can attack him!”
Eventually, many of these murderous spirits were expelled too in Jesus name. Thank God: No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper!
So this beautiful young lady encountered multiple miracles: She was SAVED! She was wonderfully set free from many demons (some more work needs to take place but what has transpired in her life was transformative) and healed her of inner brokenness and from physical afflictions. Jesus did it all –He CRUSHED His foes by the shed blood on the CROSS!
This was only one miracle that took place, there were so many others! I hope to share more later as I’m exhausted. Please pray for supernatural strength and favor to continue to battle these strong demons in Jesus name. God has been faithful.
I’m truly loving these British Columbia seminars and mission –they have been EXTRAORDINARY! I need to seriously consider coming here often as the participation and attendance was stunning. Moreover, the miracles were phenomenal. 

Honolulu Seminar Shock: Disciple Freed from Demons & Soul Invaders!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m finally with my family after more then 49 days of traveling throughout Australia –visiting Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, and Queensland. Even visiting some of these states multiple times. That’s an incredible amount of trekking across the continent conducting many seminars, public meetings, personal ministry sessions and other ministry events –spectacular miracles, signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit took place that were thrilling to experience.


So many souls encountered the miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance from demons. In fact, some of my ministry partners were amazed to see such an incredible amount of miraculous healing wonders take place during our “Supernatural Jesus Seminars,” as we held events in some of the largest cities on the continent.


On this latest mission we also conducted seminars in Southern California, New Zealand and our most recent seminar occurred this weekend in Honolulu, Hawaii before flying back to meet with my family. It’s such a beautiful place to conduct seminars. We hold our meetings in the Waikiki Beach area and have witnessed some incredible miracles take place over the years. This most recent service was spectacular.


I immediately noticed a young lady sitting to the left of me who was a strong disciple but noticed something nefarious and dark hiding within her. She shared how active she was in the ministry and didn’t believe she had demons.


“Yes, I have been oppressed by the enemy but they are not within me!” she confidently explained to me, “I have had some strange experiences with demons however. For more then 8 years a strange creature-like noises have followed me. But these are external attacks, Jay”


We discover, much later on, that these strange creature noises were in actuality demons that had been sent to her by her ex-husband who practiced witchcraft. More on that later on.


After teaching from the WORD and leading everyone in Holy Communion, this young woman whom I’ll refer to as Julia, started feel something within her moving around. She was SHOCKED and confused as she didn’t believe she had been invaded by demonic powers for she considered herself a strong disciple of Christ (which she was!).


So many thousands of disciples who have attended our seminars through the years have discovered that their attacks were not merely external but also internal. This is why we strongly encourage believers to attend our public meetings to investigate what might be hiding within their bodies and minds.


Julia was genuinely surprised to feel these sensations within her body. She was perplexed and puzzled. How can this be happening to me? How is this possible as I serve the Lord? Well, the reality is –it was happening. She couldn’t ignore the sensations as the demons were making themselves known and a spiritual war was about to take place.


As I prayed over Julia numerous evil spirits surfaced. They were aggressive as they snapped her head back and forth rather violently. They convulsed her and nearly flipped the chair back. These were defiant demons willing to fight me. We discovered much:

  • Many demonic spirits rooted in Taoism, ancestral worship and witchcraft had invaded her due to her ancestors participating in these alternative practices and indulging in “pig and dog sacrifices and dedication rituals.”
  • Many spirits of these witchcraft spirits had been sent to her by her ex-husband unknowingly to her. She was STUNNED to discover her husband had bewitched her (he was responsible for sending these creatures to her that would make odd demonic noises).
  • Hundreds of powerful demons named Lucifer that were rooted in ancestral idolatry.
  • More then 50 demons named Jezebel that entered the family bloodline many generations ago.
  • Numerous heart parts were reached and guided to Jesus for healing and comfort.
  • Numerous hearts parts of a soul invader –her ex-husband (who was a warlock) were expelled from Julia.
  • Another soul invader –her father– was also within her. He was removed too in Jesus name.
  • Yet another soul invader was within this woman -her current pastor who was determined to control her.

Speaking of this pastor. She was haughty and didn’t like the fact she was confronted by a man. She didn’t want to listen at first. She was very determined to stay within Julia to control her through manipulation. When I offered consecrated Holy Communion to this pastor, she refused and said she was willing to leave. I commanded her out in Jesus name!
Speaking of utilizing Holy Communion. We also utilized the power of the cross especially to those wicked soul invaders –like her ex-husband who was involved in witchcraft who wanted to battle me. The cross crushed the demons and forced the soul invaders out. The power of the cross is REAL and tangible.
Moreover, I called forth the holy angels of God and they greatly assisted me. The holy angels struck the demons and forced them to drop their spiritual weapons they were using against me. In fact, at one point, the evil spirits and witches were attempting to curse me and send me witchcraft. I called forth the holy fire of God to destroy the spiritual evil weapons being used against me. The fire ruined the powers of the enemy. No weapon formed against me shall prosper! The weapons of Satan were dramatically demolished!
At another point during the exorcism, the demons got aggressive and physical. They struck me in hatred towards me. I forced them to look upon the ascended Jesus who was in the room and they quickly confessed: He is telling us to to go to the pit!
All of these many wicked spirits were commanded into the pit in Jesus name! She was powerfully set free and healed.She will need some more work however she was liberated from so many demons and wicked powers. Julia was astonished at her deliverance. Here she was kind of skeptical to now being a BIG believer in the miraculous work of deliverance in the lives of saints. She was very happy and testified of feeling no more physical pain (she had been experiencing some physical pains) and her heart restored.

University Student Freed & Surgeon Witnesses Exorcism in New Zealand

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


We have witnessed some phenomenal signs and wonders on this mission to Australia and New Zealand. Remarkable. Astounding. Stunning. We have witnessed those with elements of blindness, deafness and muteness miraculously cured. Many supernaturally healed of various kinds of sicknesses and diseases and numerous individuals freed from afflictions and pains. In fact, we have witnessed a number of souls free from decades of physical pain since our mission started back in early August.


Decades! That’s astounding to think people have suffered for so long without any spiritual intervention. The modern day church, in Western societies, have largely been sleeping. We have the authority and power to heal the sick, to raise the dead and to drive out evil spirits but so few are actually doing it.


Last night, here in New Zealand’s largest city, Auckland, we conducted a public seminar where we ministered to those terribly afflicted by demons. One young lady we ministered to was this young beautiful lady named Jarnah (pictured with me above, post deliverance). She was deeply impacted by the ministry of casting out of demons. As I began to pray over her, numerous evil spirits surfaced in SHOCK! With intensity in the eyes, numerous spirits of Jezebel surfaced.


The spirits looked around and could see the many holy angels I was calling into the meeting hall. Many holy angels arrived and greatly assisted me. In fact, some of the holy angels brought out their mighty swords and struck the demons within Jarnah. The demons groaned and were in agony. The demons fell to the ground, bowing before King Jesus! They had been defeated.


“We bring cancer, arthritic pain, diabetes, mental illness, insanity, and witchcraft,” Jezebel revealed to me, “We have been here a very long time in her family bloodline.”


The many demons submitted to Christ and released a soul invader that was living within her –her very own mother! Because of her involvement in witchcraft this allowed her to invade her daughter. I commanded the mother to go to God and forced all of the demons out of her in the name of Jesus Christ! The demons released her and Jarnah was powerfully healed. She testified of feeling no more pain and feeling so much lighter. In fact her mother sent me a email earlier and testified:


“Hi Jay, firstly I want to personally thank you for your incredible support and prayer time you gave to my daughters and I. They are all feeling so much freer and happy. Your teachings on soul invasion last night was enlightening to say the least. Reminds me how much I relish learning and expanding my knowledge to bring freedom to the broken hearted. I would like to host meetings in Wellington in February when you return. When you have dates let me know. I feel very strongly that the Lord wants deliverance for many in NZ along with the teachings.”

This is very encouraging to hear. Yes, we will return in New Zealand, by God’s grace, in February/March, and will plan a series of seminars and public meetings at that time in multiple cities –Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland and others. 

Speaking of these other cities we were in another city south of Auckland earlier today. We had to travel 3 hours, round trip, to conduct a private ministry session, with a family desperate for deliverance and healing. About a month or so ago, a surgeon, contacted me requesting urgent intervention for his family as they had been experiencing horrible hauntings in their home.

When we arrived, we discovered the home was indeed haunted. We felt the strange demonic presences in the various rooms of their home. We also encountered localized demonic foul odors that could be described as something burning and a smoke-like smell. It was very localized smell and after inviting the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room, the foul satanic odors disappeared. 

As I began to pray for the mother numerous demonic spirits surfaced from within her. The first? Take a wild guess. Yep. Jezebel. She smiled and laughed only the way she can. I bound her in the name of Jesus. She submitted to God.


“We are here to bring torment, sickness, diseases, pains and the hauntings,” Jezebel revealed to me, “We have been here a long time. Her mother was a witch and her grandfather in the occult.”


Very interesting. It was true. Her mother participated in necromancy (usage of ouija boards and seances). She also delved into other forms of witchcraft and forced the children to get involved.


“We told her that more people she got involved, the more money we would give her,” Jezebel told me, “We tricked her. She started using the ouija boards and because of her desire to obtain riches she used it more.”


So, not only was Jezebel there but also the spirits of Mammon. Along with Mammon were many demonic entities named Witchcraft and a strongman named Lucifer.


Lucifer surfaced and battled me however the CROSS of Jesus was too much for him to bear and he was defeated by King Jesus. Lucifer was rooted in her grandfather’s involvement in Freemasonry. How many times have I heard that? Thousands upon thousands of times. Freemasonry equates into Satanism. Case close. What a diabolical religious system that I am grateful to be freed from by the power of Jesus and Him alone.


All of these wicked spirits were driven out of the entire family. Moreover, this mother had her cousin within her (due to some sexual abuse) and her very own mother who was a witch at one point –she was commanded out in the name of Jesus!


Furthermore, many heart parts and ancestral heart parts surfaced and spoke to me. They were also guided to Jesus for healing. This woman encountered a incredibly powerful deliverance and healing –on multiple levels. After her liberation she testified of feeling ZERO physical pain. For years she suffered from various kinds of pains –now she was miraculously healed by Jesus!


What we are seeing is VERY special —so many young people being SET FREE by Jesus and a desire to serve Jesus for the rest of their lives! This is my heart to see spiritual armies rise up to preach Jesus, heal the sick and cast out demons! We are seeing it take place before our very own eyes!