Archive for January, 2017

Epic: Witchdoctor v Powers of Christ!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


All night, in Pasadena, California, in our last seminar, we battled numerous soul invaders that were hell-bent on destruction. Most of these soul invaders (soul parts that have invaded their victims via unholy soul ties & witchcraft) were resorting to the powers of witchcraft to entice, enslave and control their victims. Most of those who had these soul invaders had no idea they had been invaded.


Take for example, this precious woman, originally from Tanzania, Africa, who had been taken advantage of by a witchdoctor that she knew of. However, she had no idea he was, in an sense, living within her.


“I want to kill her. I would like to see her die from a heart attack,” the witchdoctor revealed to me, “I sabotage her life and give her pains!”


Horrible. This severely demonized witchdoctor, soul traveled to this woman. He had been sending her curses and spells with the hopes of destroying her life. Thankfully, Jesus prevailed.


I noticed my sister in Christ, early on, during the service. She was suffering. She was crying out for help and for intervention. She was holding her body in terrible pain. She, literally, pleaded with me to help her. As the Holy Spirit guided, I extended some assistance and commanded the inner demons to be bound. The demons reacted and caused her to fall down on the ground. The demons began to crawl in my direction.


As her body crumpled up, I commanded the the demons to stand back up in Jesus name. They eventually stood her up and spoke to me. They were determined to battle me.


“We have been here for YEARS!,” the demons revealed to me, “Her ancestors participated in witchcraft and sorcery, that’s why we are here!”


One again, ancestral witchcraft, opened doors to the demonic and these many demons were transmitted down through the generations –one generation at a time. No one stopped their spiritual transmission. So, all of these witchcraft forces were dumped into her life. This is why we conduct generational curse-breaking, to STOP the furtherance of ancestral evil in a bloodline.


These ancestral spirits, the witchdoctor (soul invader) and the demons attached to this witchdoctor sought to battle me. I battled back in the power of the Holy Spirit. The militant church stood it’s ground and we were victorious. Jesus conquered the powers of hell and these demons were commanded into the abyss. This woman, immediately hugged me, she was so relieved and happy. She testified of feeling no more physical pains and torments. God healed this woman! She was so grateful afterwards.

Shocker in Pasadena: Warlock within Christian Boasted, Jezebel Battled!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


It was a memorable miracle service, last night, in Pasadena. For four straight nights I conducted seminars throughout Southern California and battled warlocks, witches and sorcerers within those victimized by the powers of the occult. All four nights, I battled on the behalf of disciples of Jesus whom were demonized as a result of being targeted by witches. This deeply concerns me.


Witchcraft has become very prevalent in Western societies (for that matter in every society). There is an acceleration of witchcraft against Christians, in general. It’s always been present in history however it seems the sheer numbers of followers of Christ with occult-infused soul invaders, witchcraft demons and voodoo curses is staggering.


EVERYWHERE I go I battle witchcraft within Christians. Consider what I had to battle in recent days:

  • Numerous ex-lovers, who are witches and warlocks, who were within many Christians I ministered to
  • Fathers, mothers, and other family members targeted their “loved ones” with all sorts of occult spells and curses
  • Acquaintances who are targeting disciples for destruction
  • Friends who masquerade as Christians but in reality are aligned with the powers of Satan sending demons
  • Mass numbers of witchcraft and Jezebel spirits hell-bent on warring against me

During our Pasadena seminar, I ministered to those victimized by witchcraft and sorcery. I also battled numerous demons named Jezebel –who by the way is a witch! By the way, if Hillary Clinton ascends to the Presidency of the United States, expect a massive assault of Jezebel-like spirits upon this land and extending throughout the world (note: Donald Trump is not that much better). Make no mistake about it, Jezebel will be stronger upon this land then at any point in American history.

Even now as Hillary is being set up to rule (make no mistake about it very powerful spiritual forces are energizing her), I see the demons of Jezebel increasing in strength. We must be on guard and vigilant and continue to be pro-active. Do not back down. Confront Jezebel and do not tolerate her in Jesus name! Defeat her in Jesus name by performing exorcisms –driving the spirits to the abyss!

As I ministered to the young lady, pictured with me above, entered into a demonic trance like and forceful voice spoke out of her.


“I’m 50 years old! She has no idea I’m here within her!” a voice revealed to me, “I picked on her because she was a easy target. She has no idea, I’m here! But I will have to leave because your power is greater then my power because Jesus is Lord!


Who was this voice that spoke out of her? We discovered it was a warlock –someone she knew very briefly, as in partaking in a VERY brief chat, at one point.  No romantic attachment, not even an  acquaintance. Just someone she met in passing. Astounding to think that a brief encounter allowed this man access to her soul. He was present within her and talking to me. He was boastful and haughty. He invaded her and kept hidden. 

My friends, within your souls are all kinds of spiritual elements. Most of you reading this have soul invaders, broken heart parts, demonic spirits and so much more. They are hidden. Even though I encounter this all the time –I’m ASTONISHED with the frequency of this phenomena. Why isn’t the church doing something about this? 

“I’m Tim. I am jealous of her. I don’t even know her that well but I lusted after her immediately after meeting her and wanted to have sex with her so I sent her love and seduction spells!” 

This soul invader was determined to attack this woman spiritually. How many of you are also being targeted by witchcraft? Perhaps a large percentage of you. Again much of this is concealed within you and it must be exposed by the light of Jesus.

She not only had a soul invader but also ancestral heart parts and I communicated with some of her own broken heart parts including a little baby and a 9 year old heart part. These were guided to Jesus and they were able to SEE the risen Savior! Amazing miracles we are witnessing in every seminar we are conducting throughout Southern California. It’s been stunning. 

So this young disciple of Jesus was powerfully set free from evil soul invaders (their demons) and numerous demons including witchcraft and Jezebel. Moreover, she was miraculously healed of various afflictions and her heart was restored. Afterwards, she was so very happy about her deliverance and healing.

“Jay, I had NO idea that these things were within me,” she testified before everyone, “No idea. I love Jesus and yet I had all of this! I feel lighter and free!

That was only one miracle that took place in Pasadena last night. All night long we ministered and many other wonders of the Holy Spirit took place. I look forward to sharing more soon!”

West Hollywood: Disciple Freed from Witchcraft Infused Soul Invaders!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


In my last email update I reported the surge of cases we are encountering involving the demons of witchcraft and Jezebel. Well, guess who I battled against last night? Take a wild guess. That’s right –Jezebel and witchcraft. Both were within this young lady, pictured with me above. She had no idea. Allow to explain.


Marlene sat on the front row in the sanctuary at the Temple of Salvation, in West Hollywood, with her friend (Frank, who also received freedom during the service. More on his story soon). She listened to my teaching intently and was very interested in hearing about the realities of spiritual warfare however she remarked she didn’t think anything from a demonic element would be present within her own life. That quickly changed though.


Marlene, while we transition from teaching into Holy Communion remarked how she felt unusual pains and pressures in her chest. What we discovered within her was astounding. She was demonized.


A group of demons surfaced named Jezebel and witchcraft. They had invaded the family bloodline more then 1,200 years ago. They revealed much to me:


“We have been here for 30 generations!” the demons revealed to me, “Her ancestors participated in, more then a thousand years ago, human and animal sacrifices!”


These demons had brought a host of physical problems and afflictions to her. They were also enslaving her heart. I spoke to a little 5 year old girl, within her, that had been hurt. I also communicated with a few ancestral dissociative identities. One was birthed in 1844 and another in 1876. One was a man, the other a female. Both died as a result of heart problems –heart attack and heart disease respectively. All of these parts were guided to Jesus for healing.


Mind you, all of this spiritual phenomena within a lady, who didn’t suspect she had demonic issues operating within her life. This proves once again –you just never know what might be operating within your life.


Within Marlene, unknown to her, were evil spirits, ancestral dissociative identities and a handful of soul invaders. I actually spoke to these soul invaders. Several of them were actually involved in witchcraft and were utilizing black magic and sorcery in an attempt to seduce her and to attack her. Staggering.


The previous night, during our Camarillo, California, seminar we encountered someone, who had within them many soul invaders, who were practicing witchcraft. This is a global phenomena and problem. This is a serious spiritual problem. So many billions with soul invaders. We must intervene and offer deliverance and healing in Jesus name!


Thankfully, we were able to intervene and assist Marlene and she was powerfully set free and healed. Afterwards she looked so happy and testified of feeling relief, peace and feeling so much lighter! Jesus to be praised!

Southern California: War with Jezebel & Witchcraft!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


In recent years I have seen an dramatic increase of spiritual conflicts with the powers of witchcraft and Jezebel within those we are ministering to. In my most recent mission to Australia and New Zealand, in nearly every ministry session I participated in, those two spiritual forces were present. I see it here in North America.


In fact, in my very first seminar, back on American soil, in Honolulu, Hawaii, I confronted strong witchcraft and Jezebel. Then as I traveled onward to British Columbia, Texas, Washington, and here in Southern California many more cases. The modern church has done a dismal job on confronting and defeating these forces. The church has been invaded by these spiritual forces and they are extending their nefarious reach to millions within the Body of Christ.


Take for example, this young couple, pictured with me above, who were being terribly affected by witchcraft and the powers of Jezebel. They attended a recent seminar and Jezebel surfaced from within this young lady. The demons simply glared at me during the entire service. When I speak of a glare –I’m speaking of a murderous glare. Jezebel, make no mistake about it, is a killer. She is a marriage breaker, a church breaker, a killer of prophets and the people of God.


On this particular night I had my hands full as many other Jezebels and spirits of witchcraft were surfacing and I was battling them in the name of Jesus! After the service concluded she and her fiancé (pictured above) approached me and numerous vicious demons surfaced. They screamed, they contorted her body and battled me.


“We are here to destroy her! We give her sickness and afflictions to torment her,” Jezebel and the demons of witchcraft informed me, “She has also been sent witchcraft!”


We forcefully broke the witchcraft off of her life and t hrough the power of the blood of JESUS, these demons were expelled and numerous soul invaders were removed from her also. Her life dramatically transformed instantly. She was so happy afterwards.


Speaking of soul invaders, last night, in Camarillo, California, I conducted another seminar and we ministered to those held in captivity. One lady we ministered to was sitting right in front of me. It was interesting, while teaching, a young lady way in the back of the meeting hall, shouted at me:


“I need to place my hands upon this woman!” the young lady excitedly told me, pointing in the direction of another woman in the hall, “I feel led to lay hands to give her the Holy Spirit.”


I’m not so convinced it was the Holy Spirit she was to bestow upon her. I quickly said NO! Incredible. I believe it was Jezebel wanting to transfer more powers into someone else. There were many Jezebels within the hall last night.


The lady, in the front, manifested many Jezebels and we began to battle them in the authority of Jesus! We discovered much –Jezebel was attached to the sexual abuse she endured through. Moreover, n umerous witchcraft spirits had invaded her due to many soul ties that she had created through the years.


Regarding the soul ties. This young lady housed numerous soul invaders. They actually surfaced and spoke through her to me –some were Christians and some were non-believers. Several were even involved in sorcery and  witchcraft.  They had been sending her witchcraft spells and curses in an attempt to seduce her and to keep her enslaved so they could have sex with her. Horrible. 

Fortunately, we had the opportunity and the honor to remove these soul invaders and these many demons –Jezebel, witchcraft, lust, mind control and many others. They were commanded out of her and she is wonderfully set free by Jesus! She felt peaceful and relieved. 

I believe most people are being victimized by these two powerful evil spiritual forces that enslaving billions (many millions within the church) but the solution to this global spiritual problem –is the conquering blood of Jesus that removes and defeats witchcraft and Jezebel!

Cross of Jesus Crushing Witchcraft in Southern California!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


A demon named Satan surfaced from within a young man determined to destroy him! He boldly told me I couldn’t stop him from destroying him.


“I WILL KILL HIM!” spirits of Lucifer boastfully told me.


He was serious and determined. I was too. I would not be intimitated by these disgusting demons. I would force him to bow to King Jesus –which he eventually did. These demons bowed to the CROSS of Jesus. Actually, the CROSS CRUSHED them!


Our last seminar in Orange County was extraordinary in so many ways. We witnessed some incredibly powerful miracles of deliverance and healing. Even in the midst of the service, Jesus appeared to some were present and the holy angels of God swiftly arrived to assist me in delivering souls from the grasp of Satan.


Speaking of the holy angels, I noticed towards the end of the service, I was just about to conclude the meeting, when I glanced towards Johnny (pictured with me above, post deliverance) and I noticed Johnny was no longer present –a demon was glaring at me with disgust and murderous hatred. Johnny was in a demonized tranced state.


I commanded the demons to come up to the front. The demons resisted and opposed me. So, I asked for God to send His holy angels to assist me. They swiftly arrived and carried him to the front of the meeting hall so I could minister more effectively to him. At one point, the demons tried to halt his movement up to the front of the hall. However, the angels pushed him forward and they ended up in front of me.


In the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ I commanded the demons to reveal by what right do they stay within him. They spoke confidently:


“Well, he likes what we give him,” the demons revealed, “He likes to supernaturally travel, to soul travel to other locations throughout the world.”


We discovered Johnny had been practicing the ancient witchcraft art of soul travel or astral projection whereby a soul, with the aid of a evil spirit, travels in the unseen and seen realms to other locales.


“I wanted to be able to travel the world,” Johnny told me, “This was one way I could do this.”


Because Johnny was wanting to travel, he was tempted to turn to evil supernaturalism to accomplish his goals. That opened gateways to the demonic thus his demonic afflictions. I explained to him his need to repent of this practice and other indulgences in the occult. He readily repented and I commanded the witchcraft (and many other kinds of spirits) demons out him in the name of Jesus! The demons entered the abyss.


During this exorcism, I also encountered little heart parts. They were guided to Jesus for healing. Moreover, I also confronted some soul invaders within him. They too were sent out of his mind and body in Jesus name. More work needs to take place in this young man’s life however I’m very happy to see him experience this incredible freedom and healing. He was extremely grateful afterwards for his new found freedom in Jesus!


My friends, where is the church on this? Why is it that so many people –even most disciples of Jesus– are so terribly demonized? I deal with this, basically, every day, however I never seem to get over this. It’s even difficult for me to grasp –the sheer numbers of people that are demonically afflicted. By the way, it’s not only the demon issue but it’s also this:

  • The sheer numbers of people with dissociative elements
  • The sheer numbers of people with unresolved ancestral issues
  • The sheer number of people with soul invaders

Speaking of soul invaders….I think 90% of the individuals we have been ministering to this year have these soul invaders within their lives. It’s staggering. It’s shocking to even me. I often wonder –could this really be happening? I cannot deny the TRUTH though. Everywhere I go it’s present –I have encountered these spiritual realities in many dozens of nations around the world –tens of thousands of people!
Yet, the modern day church is in the dark about these realities? How can this be. There must be some deep blindness that keeps church people from SEEING. I’m hoping as I talk about these realities it will awaken the Body of Christ! It’s my hope and prayer as there are enslaved souls that are WAITING for us to intervene!
We are in awe of the many souls being set free from witchcraft! There have been so many public displays of the superior powers of the cross of Jesus crushing the inferior powers of the devil. These power demonstrations, these Jesus encounters are awakening many and inspiring many to follow Jesus with all of their heart!

Pasadena: Ex-Nazi & Warrior for Satan Declares He is Now a Warrior for Jesus!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


I’m in awe. I’m humbled that I get to serve Jesus to hurting people. I’m a servant of God who desires to see the downtrodden find hope. So many individuals and families are in dire need of deliverance and healing. I’m grateful we can conduct these seminars and public meetings offering opportunities for souls to be free.


Earlier tonight, here in Southern California, in the city of Pasadena, we conducted another service with the hopes of inspiring people to serve Jesus in the ministry of exorcism. One man we inspired tonight was Jason, pictured with me above, with Pastor Juan Ruiz (many thanks to Pastor Juan Ruiz & Pastor Saba Ross who have been faithfully serving this mission, here in Southern California, as our mission coordinators).


Jason was hurting. He sat in the back of the meeting hall and listened to the teaching from the WORD. After leading everyone in Holy Communion, we began to minister to those in captivity. One of the first individuals we ministered to was Jason. I brought him to the front of the hall and we began to pray with him. Immediately demons surfaced. They growled and moaned. We discovered much.


They were bringing depression, oppression, addictions, sickness and pains into his body. Moreover, they were keeping him enslaved to spiritual darkness and torment. I was determined to see him free in Jesus so I battled these demons.


These evil forces submitted to Christ. While they were being defeated, I was also leading Jason in some powerful prayers to renounce his involvement and his families involvement in witchcraft. While praying with me, demons surfaced and were able to stop him from praying. We continue to fight on his behalf.


“There’s MILLIONS of us here!” the demons confessed to me, “We have been here a very long time because his ancestors participated in human and animal sacrifices.”


Horrific but sadly common. So many people with deep ancestral evil issues unresolved –like Jason. By God’s power we were able to defeat these strong demons, MILLIONS of them. They were driven out of his body and mind. Then suddenly, two soul invaders surfaced –his mother and grandmother who wanted to control him. Both had been involved in witchcraft. They were removed in the name of Jesus!


After his deliverance, Jason was amazed and SHOCKED! He looked so differently. He looked like wonderful.


“I feel amazing. I feel lighter and clearer. I was a Nazi and a warrior for Satan, now I’m determined to be a warrior for God!” Jason testified before all. “Praise God!”

Los Angeles Surprise: “Pastor Jay, No More Pain! I’m Healed of Cancer!”

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


In our public seminar, services and missions, I expect the unexpected. You never know what may transpire as we teach and minister to those held in captivity. Our meetings are filled with spectacular signs and wonders. Last night, in Los Angeles, California, in West Hollywood, at the Temple of Salvation, we conducted, yet, another power-packed service where souls were freed and miraculously healed.


There were tormented individuals at our meeting whom I knew were terribly demonized but I was given a surprise. My friend, Oscar, pictured above, with his beautiful wife, Lorena, was under immense satanic attack. I was SHOCKED! Why? Well, Oscar is a a strong disciple who has been following this mission for some time along with his wife. They pray for me. They support us. More importantly they love us. Moreover, they are a fabulous couple who love souls. They live successful lives but deep within Oscar were demons.


Oscar and his wife have attended many of our seminars in the past especially in their hometown San Diego. They were happy and always praying for the meetings. Yet, last night’s meeting was different. They sat towards the back of the sanctuary and while we were breaking witchcraft curses, I noticed Oscar wildly convulsed. It was extreme convulsions.


How could this be? Oscar is a strong disciple. What could possibly be happening? As I approached him, many demons surfaced and threw him onto the ground. As he laid there crumpled up and as demons spoke out of him. I was amazed and yet not totally surprised as every human has generational issues that need to be resolved. That’s exactly what we discovered within Oscar –there were generational demonic issues.


“We don’t want to leave!” the demons in a deep guttural voice told me, “He’s going to be too powerful. We hold his spiritual gifts –to speak, to lead, to heal!”


What an incredible confession. The evil spirits held his gifts and were determined to fight me. So, I battled back in Jesus name.


“There’s more! We bring into him cancer and pains,” the demons revealed to me, “He’s also being targeted by witchcraft which brings depression and oppression.”


Guess who was targeting him? A witch! Someone who was jealous of his family and his calling from God. So this witch had been sending destruction curses to him and to his family. The witch was there within him –a soul invader! I spoke to the witch and she confessed to sending curses and spells in an attempt to bewitch him. Furthermore, the witch had been utilizing a voodoo doll to send him pains. I have also been victimized by someone utilizing a voodoo doll last year. I was able to overcome and defeat the witchcraft. You can too! These witchcraft curses are real and we need to be pro-active in crushing these powers.


These curses (and the soul invader) were removed and these many witchcraft demons (many were rooted in his generational bloodline) were commanded out of his body and mind in the name of Jesus Christ! Oscar was miraculously healed and set free. He was so happy afterwards and empowered –he began to minister to others as a result! LOVE IT!


Just minutes ago, I received a message from Pastor Saba Ross who shared with me a message from Oscar: “Tell Pastor Jay NO more pain or swelling!!! GONE!!! I’m healed of cancer! God is good!”


Oscar is doing the best thing possible —publicly tesitfying of his miraculously healing. When God heals you MUST be public about it. When Jesus healed He did so, generally speaking, in public, to demonstrate His power. He desires for us to share what He has done so that he might get the glory and praise! Amen!

Slaying Spirits of Satan in Santa Ana

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


Another fabulous night of ministry here in Southern California as we conducted another public seminar that drew people and families that were desperate for freedom. In fact, the spiritual needs were so immense that many could feel the spiritual pressure as it built up as the night went on. Despite the heightened spiritual intensity the Lord Jesus provided victory and was faithful in setting the captives free.


Last night, in the city of Santa Ana, we encountered many thousands of evil spirits named witchcraft, Mohammed (Islamic rooted spirits), death, Jezebel and spirits named Satan. All of them bowed before King Jesus and submitted to His authority.


At one point one group of demons named Invasion and Witchcraft, within a young woman to the right of me, manifested and wanted to battle me. The demons even, in their right hand, held a ball of spiritual satanic fire that they were going to throw in my direction to attack me and to weaken me. Though they failed I took their threats very serious. I’m prudent, vigilant, and cautious. We are involved in war.


The demons named Invasion told me much. They desired to battle me. Though defeated they wanted to fight me.


“We know you’ll send us to the lake of fire but we are willing to fight you. We are here to bring poverty into her life, we cause discord in the family, sexual violence, depression rape and so much more!” the demons revealed to me, “We are going, but we want to fight you one last time.”

So, they prepared for WAR against me. They grabbed some spiritual satanic fire and were wanting to hurl it to me. I placed my right hand to the Father in Heaven and asked for the Father to place Holy Spirit fire upon my hand. The demons were very nervous. The fire came upon my right hand and we battled. I hurled the fire of God at the demons –towards their fire. Their hands immediately went downward in defeat. Their body slumped and head downwards –they confessed they had been defeated by the superior powers of Jesus!


The strongman, within her, spirits named Satan, confessed that Jesus was indeed Lord and greater then his powers! All of these demons were commanded into the abyss in Jesus name!


This is why I conduct public exorcisms! I want the watching world to SEE Jesus is superior. Believers and non-believers alike need to SEE and witness the superior powers of Jesus at work. What an honor to serve Jesus Christ!


Many demonic spirits were expelled from this woman, soul invaders removed, and heart parts were healed. Moreover, I was able to minister to others, as the service went one, including to this precious woman pictured with me above!


Do you see her SMILE? She looks wonderful post deliverance. She needs some more deliverance and inner healing however incredible victories took place as we ministered to this woman. She was sitting to my left when suddenly demons started manifesting as I approached her.


“We bring depression, laziness, insecurities, cancers, pains and so much more,” the demons boasted to me, “We have been here a long time.”


The demons battled me and I battled back in the power of the Holy Spirit. Many spirits and soul invaders were within her, including a man who had Islamic spirits attached to him –thus they were within her. The Islamic spirits confessed that Jesus was indeed Lord. I commanded them out in the authority of Jesus. Her broken heart was also healed. Moreover, years of physical pains disappeared. God miraculously healed this woman and she testified of feeling no more physical pain.

Jesus Freed Many from Santa Muerte, Santeria & Witchcraft Powers!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


One of the most common evil spirits I battle, consistently, is the spirit of witchcraft. In every society and community I have visited throughout the earth I have observed witchcraft at work at some level. In some societies, it’s more blatant then others. But, the reality is witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, the occult, Satanism, and spiritism is at work thus captivating billions.

Here in Southern California I have noticed the surge of the Santa Muerte (is a female skeletal cult-like figure, that personifies death, who is venerated by multiple millions in Latin America and the border states of the United States). It is a form of witchcraft. In fact, not too long ago, in Mexico, the Catholic-influenced Mexican-army was commissioned to demolish more then 40 Santa Muerte shrines near the border. It is a serious spiritual threat within many Latin American communities. I have seen a surge of exorcisms involving demons rooted in Santa Muerte in recent years.

In fact, in recent months, I have encountered in nearly every seminar, personal ministry session, and mission, the powers of witchcraft and have seen Jesus Christ bring victory. For example, in Seattle, Washington, recently, I encountered a number of souls being enslaved and affected by the occult. The young lady, pictured above, was released from spirits of witchcraft.

Her friend, Maria, was also set free from the demons of witchcraft too. Maria, several years ago, attended one of our Seattle seminars with her teenage daughter. Her young daughter manifested powerful spirits that were expelled in the name of Jesus. She was dramatically set free. Witnessing her daughter prompted her to be open to the ministry thus her attendance.

She revealed her own involvement in Santeria rituals and ceremonies. She renounced those dark practices and was powerfully set free. The following day, Maria, LOOKED different. God gave her peaceful sleep. Maria shared she had not been able to sleep for a very long time. Witchcraft brings torment. She even wanted to publicly testify of her deliverance in my next meeting (see her video testimony below). I love that –disciples who are not ashamed to testify of their deliverance and give God the glory.

Jesus Speaks to Me After Exorcism in Southern California!

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Dear Friends of Jesus,


After our last seminar in Seattle I got back to the hotel but was unable to get any sleep as I had to board a very early morning flight back to Southern California. When I arrived into Los Angeles I tried to get a few hours of sleep before our meeting in Pasadena. Though I was operating with little sleep God refreshed me and I was able to teach and minister the gospel.

After leading everyone in Holy Communion and teaching from the WORD, I began to pray for those afflicted including this young woman pictured with me above. Her name is Iko and she is she a Japanese disciple who heard about our seminar from some friends of her who attended our most recent seminars in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Ikon arrived late but within few minutes of her arrival God led me to minister to her. Numerous demons manifested and spoke to me.

“We give her depression, insecurity, and sickness,” the spirits informed me, “We make her feel hopeless, make her feel rejected and place her in poverty.”

Iko was being terribly vexed by evil spirits. Also many ancestral spirits of Buddhism had entered her because her family participated in idolatry, ancestral worship and false worship.

“We have placed chains around her to keep her enslaved,” the devils revealed to me, “We hold onto her broken heart.”

Her life and heart was released and I was able to extend love and healing to her broken heart –a little 14 year old dissociative identity. She was guided to Jesus and was able to SEE Him!Jesus spoke to her and told her she was not rejected. God’s mercy and compassion was extended to her and she encountered a deep healing.

We also encountered within Iko a soul invader because of a prior unhealthy soul tie. I guided him to Jesus and removed this controlling soul invader. After this powerful exorcism, Iko looked at me and said Jesus had spoken to her about me. Really? Yes. He says that He loves you!

Can it get any better? Jesus wanted me to hear that so he told Iko to tell me. Of course, it was edifying and empowering. Thank you Jesus!

By the way, I just received a beautiful testimony from a former palm reader who attended one of our Tasmanian seminars. She attended desperate for help. During our seminar she was saved by Jesus and set free from many demons. She wrote me recently:


“Dear Jay, I love reading about the amazing work you do..through the love of the most wonderful Jesus Christ. You were able to do something that nobody ever could..that is rid me of those nasty dark ones..they tried to suffocate me but thank God for you and beautiful soul James…lets not forget all saved my life..remember Launceston, Tasmania..palm reader..with no clue..haha!”

Love you my dear sister! I do  remember  and thank God for you and your soft heart for Jesus! God is raising you up to reach others who need deliverance from witchcraft and evil.