Archive for March, 2008

Delivered then Healed of Dissociation

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Stephanie was a family friend who had endured some severe sexual abuse as a young girl and as a teenager. This abuse along with some occult activity, Stephanie had called upon Satan at one point, resulted in her dissociating and creating 2 different personalities.

During an exorcism with Stephanie we encountered numerous demons that invaded her through the years. One spirit revealed, to my astonishment, that there were 4 personalities within her soul. I spoke with the first 2 that manifested. I immediately discerned that these 2 so-called personalities were not genuine personalities but rather demons. They confessed to that being true. I asked them why they were masquerading as personalities and they revealed they were masquerading to afflict the 2 genuine personalities.

The evil spirits had hoped to deceive the personalities to thinking they were genuine personalities also, with the plan to destroy them or to hinder them from ever knowing God’s healing power. I commanded the spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. They obeyed.

I then proceeded to minister to the 2 genuine personalities that were created as result of the abuse (they held unto some of the abuse, in order for the rest of Stephanie to go on living her life). One was named “Shy Stephanie” and the other “Timid Stephanie.” Both spoke with my wife and I for a few minutes, as I shared that God wanted to bring wholeness to Stephanie and how God wanted them to integrate to the core personality. The goodness of God reached out to the personalities and a miracle took place as both of them merged with the core personality. Finally Stephanie was free and healed.

Jay Bartlett

Liberated from an Haunting

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

The young couple spoke of seeing a ghost like figure in their kitchen and feeling heavily oppressed whenever they went upstairs to the extra bedroom. They gave my wife and I a tour of the home and I too, felt the heavy oppression in the upstairs bedroom. It was if waves of demonic spirits spilled over your soul. The oppression was real and evil. The young couple also mentioned that they were times they heard footsteps, voices, scratches, and other strange phenomena in their home. I began to wonder what spirit was residing here to torment this family.

While talking with the young couple, downstairs, I began to probe them both on spiritual issues. This brought forth a spiritual reaction. A demon manifested within the young lady.

‘There is another demon besides me in this home.”

“Is he the one behind the spiritual heaviness in the upstairs extra bedroom?”

“Yes,” confessed the evil spirit speaking through the woman.

“Tell me in the name of Jesus who this spirit is.”

“His name is Sharon.”

I wanted to know the significance of the name Sharon, so I probed a little deeper.“What is the significance of the name Sharon?”

“The prior owner of the home was named Sharon. She had committed suicide in that upstairs bedroom and he’s been there ever since terrorizing the family.”The suicide allowed a demon the spiritual right to enter the home. This demon was the one behind the strange haunting and the ghost like appearances they had been experiencing and seeing in their home. As the demon began to explain what was truly happening in the home and the spiritual source of the bizarre activity, we began to witness some demonic activity ourselves. We all heard some scratching noises in the hallway and the lights began to flicker on and off in the living room. The demons were attempting to hinder the exorcism. They failed, however, as the demons were driven out of the young lady.

We then proceeded to deal with the spirit called Sharon that was manifesting in ghost like forms. We commanded it to leave in the holy name of Jesus, and it did. The young couples were never tormented again by ghosts in their home.

Jay Bartlett

Freed from the Smell of Burning Flesh

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

While in Houston, Texas for some prayer sessions with those tormented by evil spirits I met up with a 65 year old gentleman who had been tormented by an evil spirit that caused him to smell flesh 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It got so bad that he considered moving out of the house hoping to free himself from this vile smell. It didn’t work. The smell followed him wherever he went furthering his discouragement and torment. For over two hours we battled the demons that were causing him to smell the burning flesh. Eventually, we were able to see the man set free from this demonic attack as we told the demon behind the affliction to cease. We ended our day with thanksgiving to God for what He had done!

The next morning, I woke up in a panic! Why you might ask, well, I woke up panicking because I woke up smelling what seemed to be burning flesh. I couldn’t believe it. The smell got on me and I was stunned on how the enemy was attacking me with this foul odor. For nearly an hour I battled the evil spirit that brought this smell to me. I washed my face. Nothing! I paced my hotel room. Nothing! I panicked. Nothing! I finally realized this was a spiritual battle that needed to be fought on a spiritual plane, so I began to read the Scriptures and pray. It didn’t leave immediately. I then anointed my nose with oil and told the demon to leave in Jesus name. It finally left with its horrible odor. I was freed from Satan!

Jay Bartlett

Demon tortured by the SWORD!

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

I ran a young lady through a short deliverance… demons manifested, coughed, etc. When I ran a Bible across her and said, “I now cut the cords of bondage with the Word of God”, the demons caused sharp pains right where I was rubbing the Bible and cried “OUCH” and jumped back… evil spirits were cast out and there was a definite change afterwards!!

During this short deliverance, a demon spoke out in another voice (clearly not the person) and told me, “DON’T BE SO LOUD” as I was commanding them to come out… I immediately responded by saying, “Who just spoke to me?” and her head went down to avoid looking at me. Afterwards she described what it felt like; she said that even though she was conscience, she felt these words flowing out of her mouth and it’s like there was nothing she could do about it. Such happenings are not uncommon in this type of ministry!

Robert L.

Tormenting spirit of fear

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Before her deliverance, this woman was feeling a presence of fear and actually heard foot steps in the kitchen while trying to sleep! So we went about casting out a tormenting spirit of fear, and it came out with a loud scream… just as in the Bible…

Acts 8:7, “For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them…”

I spoke with this woman days later, and she hasn’t had even a HINT of that presence following her around since!

Robert L.

Spirit of error cast out

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

I was talking with young woman, and she said that she felt a dark heaviness feeling since looking at some false teachings one day. She also felt a rebellion stir up in her as she tried to get into God’s Word. I told her to repent for looking at the false teachings, renounce the spirit of error and command it to leave. As she followed those steps, she felt pressure build in her chest and then the spirit departed. Afterwards she was amazed, and said that before it left she felt like she was breathing smog, but afterwards she felt like she was breathing fresh air!! What a difference!!!

Robert L.

Binding demon spirits

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

I work with a company where you’re meeting with new people, and constantly have a nice variety of people to face and sometimes *cough* deal with. Not that long ago, the company was up against a very sticky situation with a client. The person was by far the worse we have ever dealt with. She was nearly impossible to please. She made working with her nearly impossible and VERY difficult. She would get on the phone, and cause somebody to just shake in their boots the way she carried on. When we finally got her satisfied, she changed her mind on her order and decided to dump us. She threatened to take us to court over a petty few hundred dollars (which was WELL earned). She demanded that we give her back all the money she spent with us. (hello?? the work was already done!!!) I just knew we were dealing with a demon in her (and we were!).

Anyways, the big meeting was approaching, where we were just going to give her back the money she spent with us and tell her to move on. That day, a couple of us went together and bound up the demon spirits in this woman before she arrived. She pulled up with her boyfriend or husband, and he stayed out in the car. She came into the office, and her whole personality made a 180 change… you would NOT know this was the same person! She started crying and was bawling in the office… somebody handed her a box of tissues, and when she was done, she had a mound of them laying there… she stared at one of the employees and said “WHO ARE YOU???????” and kept bawling… the employee (who is a Christian) was telling her about Jesus, and she was soaking it up.

I just thought you might enjoy that testimony, where the weapon of binding was put into action, and DRASTIC results came fourth! What an awesome God we serve, to give us the authority over the demons like that!!

Robert L.

Bad soul tie attracted demons

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

A while back, I was working with a young man who was being visited by demons at night. It was awful, he would hear them, see things happening around him, etc. The night I got in touch with him, he didn’t want to goto bed it was so bad. As we were talking about the possible entry points in his life for the demon, he remembered that he had a girl friend who was into witchcraft. I asked him if he had ungodly relations with her, and he said that he did. Through those ungodly relations, a soul tie was formed, and either her or the demons in her were using it to send evil his way.

I led him to through breaking the soul tie and legal grounds in Jesus’ name. I told him if this doesn’t do the trick, then please seek further help to have spirits cast out. (Sometimes all that’s needed is the breaking up of some legal grounds, but not always… often spirits do need to be driven out.)

A month later, I had an opportunity to ask him how he was doing. He said he was doing good, and that the demonic attacks/visitations have stopped completely!

Robert L.

Delivered from a spirit of death

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

We walked a young woman through deliverance from a spirit of death. The demon manifested, and when I demanded its name the spirit spoke out and said DEATH. The demon was cast out and the woman set free. She’s experienced a drastic release from the tormenting bondage and walked around glowing all day!

Robert L.

Woman gloriously set free!!

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

This was shared on the forum by a precious sister…

First I would like to say THANK YOU for your heart felt prayers and interceding, words of encouragement and strength you gave me! I feel soooooooooo much better and stronger in the Lord! This was an experience like never before and it has taken me higher and deeper in our Heavenly Father. Secondly I would like to say that this is no ordinary group, This group is life changing and a definite threat and Weapon to the enemy. My husband was with me and very active in taking part of the deliverance. I don’t remember it by minute detail, but my husband said that when the minister called for the spirit of fat/obesity, the spirit spoke and said “i want to kill her”. I remember voices, voices, voices! and i remember as he called for the different spirits they manifested by the result of their name, for example the spirit of rejection was called on to be cast out and i couldn’t look no one in the eyes as the same for shame and guilt, for pain and memories there was a lot of hurting and crying involved but the minister said that was just a smoke screen and consistently called them out and they expelled by me coughing them up. Fear and unbelief were the biggies, but guess what, No MORE. Glory to God in the Highest!!!! I’d been mentally abused, molested, raped, addicted to porn secretly, among so many other things but Now I’m Free! AND WHOM THE SON SETS FREE IS FREE INDEED! I gotta give the Lord a hand clap of Praise behind that! Listen, if you’ve never been through one of these, I strongly suggest it because it was things I wasn’t even aware of that was dealt with. Nevertheless know that YOU ALL played a part in this and I give God the Glory, and pray blessings upon each of you and your families! you are not grouped here by chance but by divine direction and the devil don’t like it because we’re BLESSED LIKE THAT!

Isn’t that beautiful?? This woman met quite some resistance from the demons between the time she setup an appointment with a minister, and the actual session… those demons knew they were in big trouble, and glory to God, look at what Jesus has done for her!

Robert L.