Archive for the ‘Disassociation MPD/DID’ Category

A Mute Spirit Expelled & Healed of Dissociation

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Pastor Gene Smith of Creston, Ohio reported:

“Norma and I just finished a session with a young lady who was completely healed of six broken parts, one of which had demons of Mute and Divination.  At first it would only shake it’s head yes or no to my questions.  I asked it if a demon was keeping it from talking and it shook yes.  I commanded the Mute demon to leave and then it could speak to me.  At the age of five it tried to tell people what was happening so the Mute demon moved in to shut it up. The parts’ ages ranged from one to five.”

Submitted by Jay Bartlett


Thursday, May 8th, 2008

How great is our God / Sing with me how great is our God/And all will see/How great/How great/Is our God!

God is awesome!!!!!

Had a deliverance session last night – it was awesome watching the Lord work and demons fleeing at the mention of the name of Jesus! It was a long session, but really rewarding, as God moved sovereignly as I commanded the evil spirits out. It was even more awe inspiring to watch the Lord touch her as the evil spirits were removed and the presence of the Lord came in to fill the vacant spaces – I commanded out a spirit of heaviness and declared Isaiah 61:3, that the Lord gives the ‘oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness’, and she started to laugh; as I commanded out anxiety and spoke in the peace of God, based on Philippians 4:6-7, she visibly relaxed and you could physically see the change in her appearance as God’s peace entered her. As I commanded out doubt and unbelief, the Lord had me release supernatural faith in its place – you should have seen the power of God hit her!

As I called out multiple personalities and commanded them to tell me their names, four identified themselves – Cyclops, Harlot, Seduction and Lesbianism – and and were removed. As I broke ungodly soul ties and canceled curses of words spoken, tears flowed. Surprise was registered on her face as the Lord supernaturally revealed things that she didn’t even realize were there. When I started to cast out spirits of infirmity, and called out the spirit of death, the Lord revealed its name: San La Muerte – St. Death – a spirit worshiped in Argentina. I called it out, and it left with a wide yawn!

After the 3 hour session, I laid hands on her and prophesied her destiny – released God’s call on her life and the power of God hit her; she could barely stand at one point. God is just awesome!!

So I’m rejoicing! One more victory for the Kingdom of God!

(Robert Gibson – Barbados, West Indies) 

Major deliverance for a precious mother/wife!

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

I just saw this one come across the forum and had to share. Our dear brother Jay has just ran this precious saint through deliverance and she came out with flying colors!!

I wanted to let everyone know I am back from Texas. I have SO much to share, but am so exhausted and need to spend time with my kids I missed them so much.

I will write much more later but must share I am completely FREE and DELIVERED in Jesus’ name and By HIS POWER!!! Oh I cry as I write this…..I will write more when I can….I have no voice, I am completely hoarse…more later! I am so thankful – so thankful.

God bless you all!! NEVER give up NEVER Give in – God does have your deliverance and He knows how to do it……I am overflowing with such thankfulness and such praise for Jesus. SO MUCH to tell you all about God’s power and His works. He truly is the LORD OVER ALL!!

Jay and his family are so precious, so walking in God – He flows through them and it was so comforting. I was so blessed to have met Greg and Steve and Sean from this forum and so many others precious saints of God – such love, such love and care poured out onto you for no other reason than they were God’s children and allowed God to work through them. It was truly a most powerful move of God orchestrating an atmosphere where He could flow and manifest His power over the enemy. Not one demon in me was left – oh Glory to our precious Lord – now God will begin to teach me without interference the truth of Him and I will begin more healing and getting my flesh under. This is not the end – but a precious fresh beginning to walk with God without internal interference.

I learned so much about how they nest and how they work, but Praise God he was able to move – God led Jay and the team there and they had such discernment and was able to cut off every plan the enemy tried….I saw the whole thing as I sat in the spirit realm. I was there watching, but not able to speak…..Jay called up demons and parts and they came and I watched in amazement at the power of God. Oh so much to write and I will!! Every precious word of my testimony with the blood of Jesus will break so many bonds of Satan – Hallelujah no wonder they tried to keep me under. God has such plans oh For me, for us all…..suddenly one accord means so much more to me. Please precious people – never stop pushing for God, never stop – no mater what you feel, think of see just keep on asking keep on knocking and keep on seeking oh He is faithful – He will deliver you all…..
God Bless you all

Praise GOD for this woman’s MASSIVE breakthrough… she was at the end of her rope before her deliverance, but look at what Jesus has done for her!!

Robert L.

Healed of disassociation & infirmities!

Friday, March 14th, 2008

This testimony was shared by a very precious sister, Traci, who is also in the deliverance ministry…

I cannot tell you how thankful for God’s word and promises. His word says he came to heal ALL diseases. When I started studying “A More Excellent Way” and started applying truth and looking for blocks to healing in my life and went to Pleasant Valley Church in Thomaston, Georgia, I got healed of several diseases listed below through deliverance.

– Asthma – fear of abandonment in my life
– Restless Leg Syndrome
– Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
– Fibramyalgia
– Back Pain
– Insomnia – because of trauma in the womb, I never hardly slept as a young person. I was sensitive to any noise and would react.
– Anxiety attacks to the point I could not get out of bed for a couple of days at a time.
– Heart Disease (Mitro Valve Prolapse)
– Oppression and Depression
I had done all the traditional stuff such as counseling, behavior modification, medication, inner healing, been in healing lines, seeding faith, and every other way to overcome my problems either physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally!

Most of these diseases were rooted in fear. Lots of fear entered in my life because of continual trauma done to me throughout my life as a very young person. I had a curse of destruction on my life that played out almost all my life because of what was in my generations (Occultism and assignments on my life – my grandfather being a mason and grandmother being an eastern star and witchcraft on that side of the family) and also because my parents took me to a clinic to get me help as a young person. They thought I had a learning problem when I was just shut down from trauma from my brother that did many bad things to me because of his Envy and Jealousy. I went to this clinic from age 3 to 5 and while there, this man was a mason and did ritual abuse on me. I was used for child pornography to bring in money into their organization.

When the door points to trauma was dealt with (that brings in fear) and the fear issues were dealt with, through deliverance, my body was able to finally go back to peace and not stay in fight or flight. When our bodies are in fight to flight, then you start getting diseased because of high cortisol levels, and other chemicals over secreting or under secreting like serotonin levels that causes depression, etc. Of course because of the trauma, I had a list of people to forgive in my life. The Spirit of Bitterness or kingdom of Bitterness and its underlings as described in Luke 11:21-26 (unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger, hatred, murder with the tongue) and many other spirits tied into bitterness that was cast out after I took responsibility and forgave them. His word says that if we do not forgive, He will not forgive us so why would he heal us?

There were many dealt with through deliverance that set me free.

Through the teachings at Pleasant Valley, they spend a lot of time teaching to recognize our thoughts, recognizing the enemy and what walkout is. We can expect to be pierced but not broken. People are going to hurt you, and how we respond to them determines if we get pierced or broken. If we immediately forgive or recognize we don’t fight against flesh and blood like it says in Ephesians 6:12 and also Paul talks about in Romans 7:17 “Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.”, seeing the people that hurt us have sin in them and separate them from their sin then we just only got pierced, but if I choose not to forgive and get offended and allow a root of bitterness to fester, then I got broken.

I’m a whole person today and no longer fragmented and I praise the Lord for it. I no longer have flashbacks or bad dreams or tormented. I cannot thank the Lord enough what he has done for me. After my healing, I went to the professional counselor to have me tested and I was no longer DID. They could not find my parts.

Today I have a ministry and work with all kinds of people that are mentally tormented, people who are DID or have had satantic ritual abuse done to them, to people who have sickness in their bodies. I have the previlaged to see the finger of God heal these people. I give him all the glory.

People perish from lack of knowledge and we have an enemy out to kill, steal and destroy.

Praise God for His work in her life!!!

Robert L.

Delivered then Healed of Dissociation

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Stephanie was a family friend who had endured some severe sexual abuse as a young girl and as a teenager. This abuse along with some occult activity, Stephanie had called upon Satan at one point, resulted in her dissociating and creating 2 different personalities.

During an exorcism with Stephanie we encountered numerous demons that invaded her through the years. One spirit revealed, to my astonishment, that there were 4 personalities within her soul. I spoke with the first 2 that manifested. I immediately discerned that these 2 so-called personalities were not genuine personalities but rather demons. They confessed to that being true. I asked them why they were masquerading as personalities and they revealed they were masquerading to afflict the 2 genuine personalities.

The evil spirits had hoped to deceive the personalities to thinking they were genuine personalities also, with the plan to destroy them or to hinder them from ever knowing God’s healing power. I commanded the spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. They obeyed.

I then proceeded to minister to the 2 genuine personalities that were created as result of the abuse (they held unto some of the abuse, in order for the rest of Stephanie to go on living her life). One was named “Shy Stephanie” and the other “Timid Stephanie.” Both spoke with my wife and I for a few minutes, as I shared that God wanted to bring wholeness to Stephanie and how God wanted them to integrate to the core personality. The goodness of God reached out to the personalities and a miracle took place as both of them merged with the core personality. Finally Stephanie was free and healed.

Jay Bartlett